Sweet Seeds Blessed Does Cream Mandarine XL

7 Days from Germ. I gave them their first dose of nutes today being A & B Base, Start R and Vitalize. Lights are running 20/4.

I had placed my Cheese XXL (Dinafem) in water last week. I had them on the warming paid with a cloth laid over it. I guess I lost them as they cloth wicked up the water and the seeds went dry just as they were cracking open. I was hopeing they could still germ but it appears they are not going to do it. I will figure out what else I want to run and try something different to go with the Cream Mandarins.

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3 Weeks! Notice how the first two above are kinda squirrley? They still are. Plants are listed in the same order as above post. They started out that way and get worse. I looked up what I could and thought it may be a potassium deficiency so added a little PK to the feed. It seems to have helped as they seem to be growing out of the problem. I am sure it is going to kill my yield but I plan on leaving them just to see what happens.

If anyone else has a clue on what has caused this, please do speak up. I kind of didn't want to post the problem as I felt ashamed to show it. :-(
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I kind of didn't want to post the problem as I felt ashamed to show it. :-(
There's no shame to be had ... hell - we've ALL had bad grows!
By sharing the pics, you have a better chance of fixing it, because you can be sure someone else has had the problem, and may have the remedy.


Unknown said:
I don't have all the answers,
But collectively, we do.