New Grower Blackberry kush and the Think different

looks a little wet to me, I'd lay off from watering for a least a week, let that soil dry out

I’d only just watered Ribbzzy pal,they were all pretty light but ur bang on the mark I leave them a week before their next drench,don’t won’t my soil drying out to much,ive put a lot of work into my beneficial bacteria (and money lol ) so need to keep them happy,keep popping in giving a very fine misting just the help keep the RH up

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I’d only just watered Ribbzzy pal,they were all pretty light but ur bang on the mark I leave them a week before their next drench,don’t won’t my soil drying out to much,ive put a lot of work into my beneficial bacteria (and money lol ) so need to keep them happy,keep popping in giving a very fine misting just the help keep the RH up

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:face: Ignore me then mate!
I'm subbed up for this one, I've never managed to grow a decent Blackberry Kush. It's my bogey strain. I see people growing stunners, mine always and up wirey and shite to put it frank.
Good luck geez

Another pic of one of the think different
I’ve treated my self to a like Clip on microscope only a cheep one


That’s straight out the box


Last 2 I promise
I’ve ordered an endoscope aswelll only 16€
Micro scope £5.99 with built in light and u can also use the zoom on your camera to get in closer,I’m well chuff

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Not much to update,stapler will be here tomorrow then I can get my groom how I want it,il put plenty of pics up show u wats happening

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Not much to report,still no bastered stapler,
Here’s a pic anyway

This one I FIMMED, I’m not growing because I’m in dire need of weed,main thing is getting the environment in control,humidity and temps etc etc,also I’m trying fabric pots out for first time,ive got of each strain,I can have a play about,the main job is getting my groom dialled in

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Plants are looking real good. That clip on microscope is interesting, it doesn't do too bad of a job. I might have a picture of a Blackberry Kush I grew out a couple years ago around here somewhere.... Well I guess not, it was a good looking plant I actually won a plant of the month competition when we used to have those.
Stapler finally come,and I’ve managed get my filter and fan lifted



This is on the end where it comes through the wall
Anybody any ideas what would cause a plant to look like it was FIMMED but it hasn’t very hard leathery small growth ok grab a pic tomorrow

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I don't miss the days lifting up those fans and filters. They just seem to get bigger and heavier the older you get :-) a picture of that funny plant would be interesting

I will get it tomorrow for u pal,I’d be interested to see

It pritty much look same as this,but it’s more purple and small it’s a week behind and it’s a blackberry
I will get u that pic tomorrow
What you smokin on tonight peeps

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