New Grower Blackberry kush and Glueberry OG 250 hps airpots in closet 1st auto grow


Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Pure kush kings kush
This is my 1st auto grow, am growing dp blackberry kush and glueberry og in air pots using bio light soil and bio green nutes, 250 hps light in a closet there 15 days old now would love some advice not sure how things are going I know the picture are with lights on ill get some with out soon stay high
They start slow and take off during flower mine always take 12 weeks I've only done the og once but on my 3rd bbk

Scrog is photo but 7 round out side are bbk again I love this strain smoke is so fruity dont even need a carbon filter cos they smell like blackberrys currants need help I'm just a message away

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Little update on my auto grow things same to be going well there 26 days old now or there about got a bit of burn or something on them still need to get some lights off shots just can't get there when there off at min would love to know how much bigger there going to get not got a lot of head room in closet with light temps are running around 25-27 will put some pictures up of them
Would love some advice just to see if everything's going sound peace or mind really am using bio green nutrients at 1/8-1/4 strength never used them before would love to know if anyone else has tried them for auto's
Hey bro

Congratulations on starting your first grow, I haven't use those nutrients before. I can't really see any burnt tips under that light but they also appear kind of a lighter green like they could use some feed.

It's always a good idea to make sure you get some run off when you water. 10 or 15% is usually a good idea and you don't want your plants to reabsorb that run off. That shouldn't be a problem in those airpots because they give you the bottom two inches or so as air space.

When feeding I think it's a good idea to feed one day and then do Clearwater the next one or two waterings. At least that's the way I used to grow when I was in soil and it work the best for me.

Your temperatures should be okay, personally I leave my lights on 24-0, but you'll find a lot of different opinions on that. I simply do it because it gives me the most stable environment.

I'll follow along on this journal and if you have any specific questions just tag me with @ in front of my screen name no space.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Little update on my girls, the blackberry started flowering about two weeks now I think the OG has only just started this week everything going well getting the colours are starting to come out nice on the blackberry struggling with the Og take all the space really could have to bend it over so it's not touching light it's about 6-8 inch away now not sure what's the best way in doing this would luv to know how don't want to snap it
View attachment 825489 View attachment 825490 Little update on my girls, the blackberry started flowering about two weeks now I think the OG has only just started this week everything going well getting the colours are starting to come out nice on the blackberry struggling with the Og take all the space really could have to bend it over so it's not touching light it's about 6-8 inch away now not sure what's the best way in doing this would luv to know how don't want to snap it
Get the stem inbetween finger and thumb and squeeze it gently u will feel it pop them bend it over

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