New Grower Black Stone Grow (LED in Coco) by AeonSophia

Here's the little Moon Tears

Black Stone 2 is coming along nicely

Could it be the elusive white phenotype? I have no idea, but it has a different look and smell compared to the other one.

It was inoculated with beneficial fungus and bacteria since the very begining, which I think has something to do with these wild roots. There are so many of them sticking out of the pot, but they aren't pruning very quickly, if at all. It must be the fungus supplying moisture and keeping them white and fuzzy.

And here's Black Stone 1. I've been so tempted to harvest these buds, even though I know they haven't reached their full potential. They just look and smell so amazing. I've been trying to figure out if it's almost time to start flushing it with plain water. It looks like there are still a lot of clear trichomes, and I want to get a little amber, so I'm thinking it might not be the right time yet. Can I get anyone's opinion on that?


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Yup I see clear and cloudy, with too many white pistols. I would feed at least once more and wait for the swell to hit...Nice work!:thumbsup:
Think of flowering a cannabis plant as lighting a bottle rocket, you light it, it only flies so far up, the same can be said about a plant, a soon as bloom starts you only have so much time before it's done. By using perlite in your medium the plant gets more oxygen, you feed more because it dries out faster, and that's good during bloom because you literally only get so much time, a finite amount of feedings and only meeting the law of minimum will decrease yields by up to 80% depending on genetics. C02, the Emerson effect, perlite aka aerated mediums all serve the function of allowing you to fill the plants belly full of food instead of just curbing its appetite. The Emerson effect is essentially water evaporation off the leaves, it's how a plant drinks and pees pretty much. HID lamps throw tons of energy into the thermal spectrum increasing the Emerson effect, where as LEDs don't illicit that effect very well unless they have thermal cobs

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when growing in coco you do not want the medium to dry out. You can treat coco like soil, but why. Once your roots get established you want to feed multiple times a day. Every time you water the coco you are giving the plants fresh oxygen. I'm still new to growing ,but I try to get the most out of my plants, in the short time that they grow. Once the roots get established you seriously cannot over water in coco.
Everyone has there own way of growing, especially in coco. My 2 liter containers are being fed at least 3 times a day. With multiple feedings you can use lower ppm in your feed if you notice burning.
Sorry for the rant lol.:cheers:
Bingo !

when growing in coco you do not want the medium to dry out. You can treat coco like soil, but why. Once your roots get established you want to feed multiple times a day. Every time you water the coco you are giving the plants fresh oxygen. I'm still new to growing ,but I try to get the most out of my plants, in the short time that they grow. Once the roots get established you seriously cannot over water in coco.
Everyone has there own way of growing, especially in coco. My 2 liter containers are being fed at least 3 times a day. With multiple feedings you can use lower ppm in your feed if you notice burning.
Sorry for the rant lol.:cheers:
I've been doing it every other day, but it would be interesting to experiment with more frequent watering. Mostly it just sounds like a lot more work, but it might be worth it. Thanks for the rep and kind words.
To make it really pain free I mix a 5 gallon bucket of nutes, and let it bubble with a few air stones. once the ph is stable, generally by the next day I don't have to really worry and I can water whenever I feel like it and I'm not worried about the time it takes making a fresh batch of nutes each time. It really is a time saver.