Black spots on fans

Hard to tell by the photos. But my first thought was some type of rust fungus setting in. Are the dark circles concentric (circle within circles) with a yellow halo? You mention peppers and I am a big outdoor veg grower and it's hot AF here. I have seen similar on my peppers in the past. Just a guess though. Do you have the issue on any of the pepper leaves?
Do any other plants have similar spots, not just cannabis, but any and are the spots getting any larger with time.

It looks like some type of toxin found its way onto the leaves. Do you or have you sprayed down with bug spray near the plants?
The spots don’t appear to get bigger. And tbh I don’t see any new ones. So I’m stumped. I mixed up some water/feed and gonna treat for fungus gnats. Hopefully it just stays where it’s at.
Hard to tell by the photos. But my first thought was some type of rust fungus setting in. Are the dark circles concentric (circle within circles) with a yellow halo? You mention peppers and I am a big outdoor veg grower and it's hot AF here. I have seen similar on my peppers in the past. Just a guess though. Do you have the issue on any of the pepper leaves?
You describe the spots perfectly. But no, it’s the only plant in my garden with the spots. None of the pepper plants or other cannabis plants have them.
You describe the spots perfectly. But no, it’s the only plant in my garden with the spots. None of the pepper plants or other cannabis plants have them.

If it is rust, and tbh, rust can sometimes be confused with a deficiency - think mag deficiency too, or something like that, although your plant looks healthy so I'm doubting that... you could try Dr. Zymes. If you google Dr. Zymes free sample they will send you enough to make a gallon or two worth for like $5. Good thing about Dr. Zymes is that it can be used to control a lot of different things in the garden all the way through flower. And since you are in flower now, I wouldn't try much else. Aside from leaf plucking.

If it is fungus, you don't necessarily have to have it on other plants, but it could spread to the other plants from that plant. We already know you're near peppers. If you have tomato or squash, cucs, melons, etc they are also big carriers of fungus.

Also, your leaves look wet. Are you watering from the top? If you are, I wouldn't.

All of this is with a hearty IMHO, YMMV,
Pic was taken in the morning dew. Only time those leaves have been wet is from rain, the little we’ve had this year. I did start Rotblock last Saturday but the spots were there a few days prior. I think I actually noticed the spots the first time I sprayed with Rotblock. But you’re right, the plant has been healthy since day 1. No burn. No discoloration. Nothing. Then out of the blue these black spots.
Bit of an odd one but I’ve had something similar happen to me in the past when I was using soil and advanced nutrients. It can also relate to your water source having too much of something, or too little. I switched to coco last year and never had this happen ever again. I also have some experience with dr zymes too. Good stuff and I used it to treat spider mites like four years ago
Check the undersides of your leaves, and the stems just to be sure it’s not bugs though. They like to hangout underneath the leaves rather than on top. I don’t think it is bugs tho. Check for any sort of chew/bite marks on the undersides too.