BioTabs Biotabs with GN Telos - Mephisto Sour Livers & Seed Stockers OG Kush

Hey!! :D

Thanks for joining @Duggy @Ryker604 @Bunny @hippy71 @auto noob @L0wbob2017

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Now where IS that MR Biotabs!?!? .... How will i be able to get him to grow my plant via proxy if he doesn't visit!? :coffee:

So the Startrex .... I had a brainwave that i don't need to mix those 30 litres of soil (right just yet) ... as i'm starting in smll pots, i just mixed in 5 teaspoons with the 250ml soil. Call me the procrastinator!

The seeds have tails ... they've been been dropped - have domes over and in moist soil with startrex.

Hoping for signs of live in 3 days from now.

:thanks: (wheeeeee)

Well the last time i wrote with him via PM he answered within 24 hours. Maybe he is busy atm or just not logged in but he is always kind to help and pretty active if you want infos from him.

So lets tag him one more time :D @Biotabs F69 come over here :pighug:
Good luck Blue. I'm looking forward to the grow. Especially as you now have the Telos Tiger.

Can I suggest you have the light at 70cm until after stretch unless you are wanting to limit height.(aka stocky girls) You might need some Silicium Flash for cal mag or another source. Laters

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Thanks for the tip Bunny! :d5: ... I guessed about three feet for a seedling and let it stretch up to 24inches and then keep raising until i run out of height! :D
That was the plan!!

Great to see you rocking it! ... I can hardly believe there hasn't been a hilarious and appropriate song in here yet! :D

Tiger .... doo doo doo. dooooo- do -dodo!

Well the last time i wrote with him via PM he answered within 24 hours. Maybe he is busy atm or just not logged in but he is always kind to help and pretty active if you want infos from him.

So lets tag him one more time :D @Biotabs F69 come over here :pighug:

I'm just busting his Balls :rofl: ... He'll get around to it when he's online :D

It won't hurt to beacon him down from that organic nest though!


DONT PANIC ... Those fruit loops are organic!!! :biggrin:
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The Plan

So having been hasty and added soil to pots before getting my kit, i now need to add 75g of startrex to each pot.
No problem, I'll pour the contents of each pot into a bin bag, add 75 little wooden spoons worth of startrex to each and give a real nice mix! - and back in the pots.

The little pots ... I've never been entirely comfortable with early watering when starting in my final pot (which is my normal way) ... is it too much water ... too little?

This time, i'll be starting them in little pots which i think will be easier to not over and under water, with a view to transplanting at day 15ish into a pre made, mini-square-pot sized hole in my recently watered final container.

Underneath the transplanted plant will be 1 biotab.

At day 20ish .. the leaves should have reached the side of my pot ... and i'll be inserting the other 2 biotabs , one at each side of the plant about 5cm down. Turn on the Autopots!

Day 30 - I should be giving a top watering of 1 litre with 1 teaspoon or BACTREX and 5ml OGRATREX

Just water up to day 44

Day 44 - I should Top feed, 20ml OGRATREX and 1 wooden teaspoon of BACTREX to 500ml water.


@Biotabs F69 .... I've got a few things i could help with clearning up in my mind

1. The Boom Boom spray .. I can use from 4 leafs to pistils ... up until roughly .... day 40ish?
2. The BioPK ... I start to use when the buds are formed but not yet joined up .... once per week? at roughly what kind of dosage per Litre?

3. I can buy water (not econmical) from a big store that has a PH of 6.2 .... Or my water is 7.8 .. and i could adjust, but don't like the idea of acid with organics?

Thanks for helping me form a plan! :D


Hey Blue!

Nice! I am in for the show.
about the Boom Boom spray you are right.
About the Bio PK 5-8 I use 10 ML once a week.
In the end you can increase the dosage to 15/20 easy.
But in the beginning start with 5 ML and look how she reacts

Organic frootloops? hahahah.

Looking forward to your grow!
Hey blue I used de chlorinated South London Tap water PH over 7. No problem let the beneficials do their thing.

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Subbed up and settled in for the show.

Welcome to the slow show - kick back and enjoy.... you pretty little piggy!! :D

Nice cant wait to see you pull in this harvest ,NICEY nice!! my PH of my well water varies over seasons and I never have any issues. assuming you dont have the chlorine and stuffs in it. I use mine all the time.

Good to know ... our water contains chlorine .. quite a lot by the smell of the bath! I'll let it stand for a couple of days with the lid off.

Hey Blue!

Nice! I am in for the show.
about the Boom Boom spray you are right.
About the Bio PK 5-8 I use 10 ML once a week.
In the end you can increase the dosage to 15/20 easy.
But in the beginning start with 5 ML and look how she reacts

Organic frootloops? hahahah.

Looking forward to your grow!

There he is!! :D ... Thanks F69! Thanks for helping me with the "Plan" !

Hey blue I used de chlorinated South London Tap water PH over 7. No problem let the beneficials do their thing.

Thanks Bunny ... we've probably got the same water supplier and type! ... it aint soft!
I've got one tescos bottle at 62 of soft water to start them ... then i'll take the cheap option with tap water! ... Did fine on my strawberries straight form the tap ... so why not!! :D

Cheers all ... day 2 ... nothing up yet.
I used similar hard uk tap water with biotabs and had no issues at all. Didn't need any cal/mag supplements at all, as I'm guessing there's plenty in the hard water!

Good luck with your grow - awesome set up.
:hump: :hump: :hump: giggity giggity gig-a-tee!! Blooo gots a peep show going! :pimp: ... and what a show it is, GN Telos lights + Biotabs- :woohoo: :holymoly: ... would,...would you mind if I called you a phat chick? :eek1: :crying:'s very good indeed my friend to see you back in action, it's been ages, eh? I am green with envy over that incredible light! A much deserved Goodie for you,... And I see our good Mr. Biotabs has sweetened the pot for you as well- :d5: ... Sooo, what about this postcard..? Will you model the kit wearing just the hoodie and the mug? OK, you get 1 sticker too, placed at your choice! :rofl:... under the Telos too,...
...great strain choices Blooo, I drool at the Sour livers pics when I see them, and she's raved about for her unique aroma and potency,..OGK from 'Stockers should be stellar as well!
... Autopots- :headbang:-- I'm so going there when I can do proper ID grows... I'll be tugging your sleeve for tips! .... looks like your strawberries made a nice come-back- :drool:... where I live now, there are fields and fields of them (the most valuable crop *cough* around here last I heard), and driving by, the aroma is just amazing,...
... Bloo luv, would you review how you prep your coco? Inoculants, a little feed, Ca-Mg,... This is ready-to-use coco from the bag, right? :greenthumb: ... I think the started pots are a great idea, I think the 'crobes will have as good a start hooked right up with the roots all cozy-like before you drop then into the Autopots,... About getting the coco pre-loaded with Startrex, I'm not sure,.. Mr. K' missed that one,.. I want to say yes, just to get the bacterial herd fizzing away ahead of time...? I'm also wondering if an enzyme product might be beneficial too,... Oh yes, the Silicium Flash! I'd also like to hear what he has to say about this product! I believe our organic mechanic Eyes on Fire has found them to be tasty,...:eyebrows:
:cheers: :goodluck: :smokeout: Cheers Blooo!... have a nice cheek heater :slap: to bolt you off the starting line! :woohoo1: