Nutrients Biotabs, Mephisto Grape Crinkle, Cobs, 315 CMH, Coco

Try a few years under the American political system. Reckon you’ll be gagging to come home [emoji23]

You think ours don’t give a shit about the people? [emoji23]
I did mate, lived in the lone star state for 12 months, admittedly while Barak Obongo was the pres, but I loved it there. Our politians REALLY don't give a fuck about us, that I 100% agree with
You’re missing my point. I am self governed. I do what I want not what they tell me to do. Like growing weed?

All politicians are the same. It’s about their career not the people.

I couldn’t give a wank who’s in charge here or there. I live my life my way.

Put your kid in a non main stream school like I did. You’d be surprised what you can do [emoji106]

As for baccy in the garden I’ve grown weed out there so would happily grow baccy. The rules are there to be broken.
Yeah, you self govern, but within the parameters of law, break the law, you go to prison. So no one is really self governed, 'cos no one makes their own laws
Texas? Holy crap! Not sure I’d like it there!

I don’t mean to sound a twat mate. But I hate someone telling me what to do. I have a bit of an issue with authority. I think it’s the most outdated of concepts.

As for one person sitting st the centre of 60 million people and telling them all what they should do and how they should do it? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

It’s just very very silly isn’t it? When you think about it it’s the most ridiculous set up for the modern world.

Don’t even get me started on what our wonderful modern world does to the planet.
Texas? Holy crap! Not sure I’d like it there!

I don’t mean to sound a twat mate. But I hate someone telling me what to do. I have a bit of an issue with authority. I think it’s the most outdated of concepts.

As for one person sitting st the centre of 60 million people and telling them all what they should do and how they should do it? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

It’s just very very silly isn’t it? When you think about it it’s the most ridiculous set up for the modern world.

Don’t even get me started on what our wonderful modern world does to the planet.
I think the whole system need ripping apart, and starting again!
Yeah, you self govern, but within the parameters of law, break the law, you go to prison. So no one is really self governed, 'cos no one makes their own laws

I am breaking the law and I’m not in prison.

It’s the getting caught bit that ends in prison. Although that’s very unlikely for most things unless you’re a nasty **** or have lots of previous.

Obviously I can’t openly do exactly what I want. I didn’t say that I did. But I definitely self govern as far as possible wether you believe it or not dude.
Gorillagasm definitely picking up after “many” applications of Biotabs Boom Boom spray [emoji3]

I took quite a few fans off her this morning as she has a serious number of new shoots in the middle of the plant. Looks like she is gonna stay low and slow.


The other two that were pale are greening up as well by the looks of it [emoji106]

They probably don’t look like they are, but I took quite a few of the old dark green fans off to get more light down into the plants.

Gorillagasm definitely picking up after “many” applications of Biotabs Boom Boom spray [emoji3]

I took quite a few fans off her this morning as she has a serious number of new shoots in the middle of the plant. Looks like she is gonna stay low and slow.


The other two that were pale are greening up as well by the looks of it [emoji106]

They probably don’t look like they are, but I took quite a few of the old dark green fans off to get more light down into the plants.

filling out great do u move the ties on the lower stems or are they still where they started

really liking this band i came across in one of the playlists on 420 thanks @Frankthetank .
you gotta send some tunes my way sir hippy id be very intrested to see some of your oldschool goodies that us young uns never heard of il listen to any kind of music so bring em on :headbang:
@stoney T I was reading about Flush It and it also mentioned hormones mate.

Apparently it contains hormones to help the plant finish flowering easily, which helps use up any excess stored nutrients. And the balance of salts will help the plant loose excess nutes while providing the correct nutes for finishing off.

No idea mate [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]