Nutrients Biotabs, Mephisto Grape Crinkle, Cobs, 315 CMH, Coco

Looks like it was definitely underwatering by numpty here. Gave them all lots of water yesterday and today they’re praying.


I think underwatering caused a nasty ph spike which seems to have caused minor lockout / yellowing.

Back on track now.
So do salts build up in the medium still with biotabs or have you added something else too?


Well, only root tonic added mate.

BUT, they were started on chem nutes. Then swapped over. Never again lol :crying:

Start with Biotabs and finish with Biotabs :thumbsup:
Sounds plausible. They will have leached into the surrounding coco if you've not been watering enough but they will have been taken up by the plant too so fuck knows. Just drown them in future and make sure they keep praying lol
