4/20 order safely arrived in east coast USA Today. My order was shipped twice because it got nabbed at customs before even leaving the country so it was returned to the sender. I received a new tracking number about a week later and here we are today, another happy customer.

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Happy Growing!!!
Guys I need Help! I finally found my bio tabs start kit that our dear friend @Biotabs F69 gift it to me a year (or more) ago..
I have my girl in mix bio bizz allmix+light mix soil, and some of them started to get yellow (they eat all the soil nutes) ..
I need some guidance what to do?? I gave them yesterday just some AN b52 and call mag, But i wanna go all bio tabs with this grow..
Came here to ask the same question.

I did email this week to ask if there’s a shipping number and got a generic response to login to my account.

I checked and the status said “Processing.”

Not particularly informative, but at least I know it’s not lost in the mail yet.

So standing by like you. Ordered 4/20 for shipping to California.

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Received my 4/20 order on 6/10 in California.

1st time order. So for those wondering about shipping times for next year, use this as a data point. YMMV.

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Wow :yoinks:
That is too long for me, I’m not saying that to complain.. I’m saying it because I’m genuinely interested and really want to try this product but .. considering what it costs to ship it to the US ... (it’s a lot, because I wouldn’t place an order just for a starter pack I’d probably get everything I needed to grow for 6 months to a year.. otherwise how is the wait or shipping worth it). and then have to wait anywhere from 1-2 months to get it? I can’t spend that kind of money and not see its return for that long, I’d go broke waiting. It’s a shame looks like a great way to grow esp if you have autopots. I really do hope something changes. If I haven’t settled on a certain other routine by then, that is
Wow :yoinks:
That is too long for me, I’m not saying that to complain.. I’m saying it because I’m genuinely interested and really want to try this product but .. considering what it costs to ship it to the US ... (it’s a lot, because I wouldn’t place an order just for a starter pack I’d probably get everything I needed to grow for 6 months to a year.. otherwise how is the wait or shipping worth it). and then have to wait anywhere from 1-2 months to get it? I can’t spend that kind of money and not see its return for that long, I’d go broke waiting. It’s a shame looks like a great way to grow esp if you have autopots. I really do hope something changes. If I haven’t settled on a certain other routine by then, that is

One caveat is that I think my order was especially delayed due to the 420 volume. Per their site, it’s still probably a month wait to the states.

I went with the approach you mentioned, buying a bunch to last a while to make the shipping worth it.

I did it for the convenience. Eventually will make my own soil and will start with a premix kit to take baby steps.

One idea I had for saving on shipping was to start a thread to match people who live nearby so you can split it. Might do that next year.

Good luck.

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Those are some awesome ideas actually, as far as saving on shipping. You gonna start a biotabs journal?

I really wish I was able to swing that sort of cheese for shipping and have no problem spending it and being able to wait 1 - 2 months or whatever it ends up being, but I most definitely can’t. I’m starting some autopots and Biotabs / autopots are, from what I’ve seen, a match made in heaven for someone with my hectic schedule. But unfortunately :/

I’m working on a super soil instead, but even that is going to take a few weeks to cook once it’s made. but it costs less than half & usable within 3 weeks. For now it will do. Maybe one day there will be a US biotabs supplier
May be a noob question but with the biotabs in coco can I water to run off and if I am will the biotabs wash away with the run off or will it stay in the medium ?
May be a noob question but with the biotabs in coco can I water to run off and if I am will the biotabs wash away with the run off or will it stay in the medium ?
as far as i know you are correct you dont want to water untill runoff because it ill use up the nutes in the pot the reason for watering to run of with coco is to not get a build up of salts in the medium but with biotabs it self regulates ph etc so no need to flush out the medium