Really? Weird because I actually tried to participate in the 420 sale but nothing was discounted the few times I checked. I checked on two of the dates listed... but didn’t see anything on sale. I was bummed. I thought I’d check one more time to see where the people in the US are getting this. I believe you that it’s great and all but I can’t swallow that kind of cost. Maybe there will be a cost effective option for us over here in the future
Really? Weird because I actually tried to participate in the 420 sale but nothing was discounted the few times I checked. I checked on two of the dates listed... but didn’t see anything on sale. I was bummed. I thought I’d check one more time to see where the people in the US are getting this. I believe you that it’s great and all but I can’t swallow that kind of cost. Maybe there will be a cost effective option for us over here in the future wasnt discounted until check out, you apply a discount coupon code 4/20, 420, 4-20 all worked. Depending on your can also get the starter kit shipped much cheaper, if only growing 3 or 4 plants...more depending on container size. But any 1 extra thing added takes it back up to 50€
No sir....not that is any better of a deal. Amazon has 1 listing, and it is high as hell too. Best thing would have been to hit the 4/20 sale.. but too late for that unfortunately. Save up...bite the bullet, and go for it...wait until you can afford a years worth at once to help justify shipping if you need to. It is a superior product, and an awesome system! Took me a year and a half or more of knowing I wanted to try them really really bad but didnt wanna drop that much on shipping...but I eventually did, and I don't have any regrets. I would have spent close to or just as much on bottled organic nutes that are more tedious, time-consuming and not as efficient and/or foolproof. I am 6.5 weeks in...I love it...I hit the 4/20 sale myself and saved a shitload! 42% off storewide

Well said about bottled nutes dude. And don’t forget that with bottled stuff what you’re really doing is shipping loads of really heavy water around the planet for no reason. At cost to the environment for all that transport. Much better to ship light weight dried organics around and add water at the end user.
I ordered a bucket of biotabs during the 420 sale. How long is it before they start shipping the orders to USA usually?
I ordered a bucket of biotabs during the 420 sale. How long is it before they start shipping the orders to USA usually?
Dude, I ordered 4/19, I never even got a shipping confirmation email...Mr K says all 420 orders have shipped. Last time I ordered, it took about a week for the shipping conf. And another 4 weeks to get to patience is a virtue.
A fellow grow-bro on here got a shipping conf. but he told me his didnt even make it out of picked up for hazardous contents. But they are gonna make it right by him somehow. Biotabs takes care of their customers! I'm almost a month in shipping email...just blind faith lol
I got my stuff two weeks ago, so. Don't worry, it should be there soon. Takes always two or three weeks more to US.
I ordered a bucket of biotabs during the 420 sale. How long is it before they start shipping the orders to USA usually?

Came here to ask the same question.

I did email this week to ask if there’s a shipping number and got a generic response to login to my account.

I checked and the status said “Processing.”

Not particularly informative, but at least I know it’s not lost in the mail yet.

So standing by like you. Ordered 4/20 for shipping to California.

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