Oh and don’t over or under water them!
I have the dry weight but not the wet as i did not understand exactly the run off but i guess its just to much info in my head and i stall on the minor things.
I will wet it slowly until water runs off the fabric and let it be for 20 minutes and take another measurement. I will water with half the quantity until they reach down the pot and then, they can take whatever they need from the autopots, just like @Tiny Bubbles :)
I have the dry weight but not the wet as i did not understand exactly the run off but i guess its just to much info in my head and i stall on the minor things.
I will wet it slowly until water runs off the fabric and let it be for 20 minutes and take another measurement. I will water with half the quantity until they reach down the pot and then, they can take whatever they need from the autopots, just like @Tiny Bubbles :)

I have AutoPots as well, but with BioTabs, the medium really needs to stay moist the entire time, it can't dry out. Although the AutoPots say they solve this, the layer on top does get really dry. I use AutoPots to feed water only, and every couple days, I top feed to keep entire medium nice and moist. This is living soil as well, so we need to keep it alive.
You’ll be good mate.

Just remember most problems you might experience are going to be environmental. You’ve got organic food sorted and proper genetics. That’s all the plants need to thrive as long as the environment is good.
Yes! Environment plays a much bigger role than I personally ever thought...I'm convinced the VPD problems I never minded in the past really took a toll on my success. 27-30%RH @ 80+ degrees for an entire grow....crap city!

I have AutoPots as well, but with BioTabs, the medium really needs to stay moist the entire time, it can't dry out. Although the AutoPots say they solve this, the layer on top does get really dry. I use AutoPots to feed water only, and every couple days, I top feed to keep entire medium nice and moist. This is living soil as well, so we need to keep it alive.
I dont use AutoPots...but I can attest to the ideology behind not letting the top dry out too much. In any pots....when using organic bio life in the soil to feed the plants..retaining some level of moisture is vital. It may not kill everything if it is just the top drying out, but there are definitely plenty of beneficial microbes killed off in that dry, crusty, Sahara you create on the top inch or 2 of soil. And Heaven help us all if you let it get too dry....pain in the ass to try to get wet again. I'm actually enjoying watering a little more often...its much easier than dealing with hydrophobic soil, and I'm not killing off 1/4+ of feed in my soil, then scratching my head, wondering why I'm progressively yellowing uncontrollably
Try a an inch or two of clay pebbles on top of the autopots. That does wonders to keep it moist and to keep bugs out to an extent.

Once a week in flower, turn the autopots off for a day and then top feed a couple of litres of PK infused water. Turn autopots back on again later.

Pioneered by Ryker. Works really well.
Is there somewhere to get biotabs in the US? I wanted to try them out but I can only find them on that main site but the shipping, yikes
Is there somewhere to get biotabs in the US? I wanted to try them out but I can only find them on that main site but the shipping, yikes
No sir....not that is any better of a deal. Amazon has 1 listing, and it is high as hell too. Best thing would have been to hit the 4/20 sale.. but too late for that unfortunately. Save up...bite the bullet, and go for it...wait until you can afford a years worth at once to help justify shipping if you need to. It is a superior product, and an awesome system! Took me a year and a half or more of knowing I wanted to try them really really bad but didnt wanna drop that much on shipping...but I eventually did, and I don't have any regrets. I would have spent close to or just as much on bottled organic nutes that are more tedious, time-consuming and not as efficient and/or foolproof. I am 6.5 weeks in...I love it...I hit the 4/20 sale myself and saved a shitload! 42% off storewide