Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Si, I need help.
For the last 10yrs, iv'e been getting average grows(if that) by using bq own soil plus perlite, vermiculite and and bit of dolomite lime.I need to up my game so if i try:
Bio Bizz light, grow, bloom and alg-mix, whatever that is, plus fish mix +half tspoon of epsom, am i good to go?, i need to keep it simple, and within costs as i need most of my cash for a ms6000, thanks, ray.

Hey Randy.... Ive used B&Q own brand soil for years.... Mate its not the soil its more about your Environment, Solutions and Genetics

I use Biobizz Grow and bloom as well... Also really like BioHeaven and Alga-mic.... I never used additives other than the last 2 stated and had good to fair plants and yeilds....
But i recently moved up to GN LEDS for me thats the Game changer... Bigger Fatter buds... Not the soil or the Nutes but the lights.... My :2cents:
Alrite Chester,

that is some weird NPK ratio you got -- mine says 4-2-6 -- in know they change their formulation every so often....

However on the website i am looking at it is displayed @ 4-3-6 ---

Not sure :shrug:
yeh mine is the same as yours bro :smokebuds:
That is strange ... I'll see if I can post a photo of the bottle ... I've got another bottle of grow that was included in a Try Pack I bought ... never thought to look at the label, but I won't have access to it for a couple weeks. I have two 11 day old plants that were fed a good watering of 1 ml/L on their 8th day ... They appear to be happy and healthy and growing every day ... thanks for the input.

Here is the stuff ...

After looking up a bunch of links to BioBizz Grow I see that it comes in a variety of NPK ... I'm kind of glad I got the weaker stuff ... I'm less likely to over do it and I imagine it has plenty of other good stuff in it ...
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yeh mine is the same as yours bro :smokebuds:

Such a huge variation is a bit crazy what ye think ? :smokebuds:

Not sure if you would agree, but i think 4-3-6 would be better than 1-0-6 -- just for the reason seedlings use a lot of P for root development.... which you would need in 1st few weeks to help establish a good plant... :stylez rasta smoke:
That is strange ... I'll see if I can post a photo of the bottle ... I've got another bottle of grow that was included in a Try Pack I bought ... never thought to look at the label, but I won't have access to it for a couple weeks. I have two 11 day old plants that were fed a good watering of 1 ml/L on their 8th day ... They appear to be happy and healthy and growing every day ... thanks for the input.

Here is the stuff ...

After looking up a bunch of links to BioBizz Grow I see that it comes in a variety of NPK ... I'm kind of glad I got the weaker stuff ... I'm less likely to over do it and I imagine it has plenty of other good stuff in it ...

If the plants look happy chances are they feel good... but dont underestimate their N & P usage ...
As my quick reply to DC mentions young plants like a lot P to help grow roots and this is big step for autos to get healthier plants and higher yields....
Also they wont need a lot N to begin with but your be surprised how quickly they step up their appetite....

Keep and eye out and let us know if you have any problems -- best luck with your grow bro :GoooAuto:
hey si, is your feeding schedule with every watering?

Hey Hanfhenf,

What biobizz said to me when i asked about feeding is slightly complicated and would be drawn out...

But the best advice would be, start with a lightly fertilized soil -- feed once per wk from start to finish and rest clean Ph'd water ...

If you see yellow leaf tips means they getting a litlle to much feed and you need to slow down....

once you understand your plants and how they work you will now exactly when to increase and when to slow down your feeding
My Amended Feed chart

My Bio Bizz LightMix Feeding Schedule
I Have changed a fw things in my feeds i no longer use CalMag and just make sure i feed enougth Alg A Mic as Bio biz say there is enough in there to keep them at bay. I have also started to feed nutes every other feed and rotate it with plain water seem to be working well but its only been a few weeks :D:

Week1 day 4
Bio Bizz Grow 0.5ml,Bio Bizz Heaven 0.5ml Per L,TopMax 0.5ml

Grow 1ml,Heaven 1ml, Alg A Mic 1ml per L,TopMax 1ml

Week 3-5
Grow 2ml,Heaven 2ml, Alg A Mic 2ml per L TopMax 1ml
Week 5
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml per L,TopMax 2ml

Week 6
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml,TopMax 2ml
Week 7
Grow 3ml, Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml,Bloom 3ml, TopMax 3ml

Week 8-10 week Pre-Harvest
Grow 2ml, Heaven 4ml,Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 3ml,TopMax 4ml

Week 10
Heaven 4ml,Bloom 4ml,TopMax 4ml

Week 11
Plain Water (I have done this with out plain water and extended Week 10's feed till harvest day doesnt affect taste or smoke)

I would suggest if your using All Mix to refer to Bio Bizz's Feeding charts and amend accordingly Si