New Grower Bombing Run.

journal catch up
  • A
    About a week later, getting almost ready for transplanting. Hash suffered abit of lightening as well as the Gorilla. Others doing pretty good. Figured it was time.

    Still a little wait on the Big Bombs
    ND the other Gorilla hanging on
    3rd week or so
  • Finally decided which Big Bomb to use with a little help from Mossy. Got em all potted up now. Not bad root structure.

    And everyone is in their place now.

    Kept the other Big Bomb and Gorrilla going in a couple fabric bags I slapped together.
    Picked up some drain trays from Ace hardware and everything is coming together.
    officially day 30 or so.
  • Got other 2 trays in place, waiting on other equipment to get here. Opened tent this morning to find tp at 94, dog pulled fan cord out of socket and I laze in bed for an extra hour, back down under 80 within 5 min.
    Hash Bomb greening up nicely after its little yellowing episode. Big Bombs starting to put on some veg. Should be about completely set up next week. Still using only ph 6-7 water.
    Day 36
  • Not much going on except growing. Still on plain ph'd water, figure another 2 weeks maybe before starting on megacrop. Should be ready to start cloning soon. Finishing up building it all out, want to shroud the flower tent to minimize chance of light leak. Waiting on the 2 fan controllers but everything else is in.
    6 weeks
  • 1st feed this morning, 1/3rd strength megacrop a start on yellowing up so figured it was about time. New razor blades and some clonex gel picked up. Planning on cloning this evening so this will be last pic in their natural splendor.
    just a Lil off the top...sides etc.
  • Cloning done this morning. Thinking I should have opted for 36 instead of 25 but that's it.

    10 blueberry, 5 hash bomb, 5 big bomb, 5 gorilla bomb. Blueberry was the biggest/healthiest so really went crazy on it.

    The others not so much but a little cleanup.

    Left more branches on them so they'll probably get a good clipping in a couple weeks before going to flower.
    6 to 7 weeks
  • Still going pretty strong. Recovering nicely from the cloning trim.

    Big Bomb.

    Gorilla Bomb

    Hash Bomb

    My lil Blueberry orphan

    The other Big Bomb. Still short but tight internal spacing. Might be worth keeping for genetics.

    Clones still standing tall after initial wilt. Still no root nubs but cool temps and maybe too much light. Heat mat under res but temp on top staying 70 ish during night/early morning hours..might take 3 weeks or so.
    week 7/8...I think
  • Doing ok so far. Normal adjustments of fert/watering for individual plant.




    Last one is the 2nd big bomb. They all got a little top dressing of Dr. Earths and watered. Gifted the stretchy gorrilla a few days ago. Cloning is abit of a let down. 2 wilters pulled out, some nubs on others some not showing yet at all. Deffinatly not as easy peasy lemon squeezy as they make it out to be. Thinking the few days of chill weather might have played havoc. Tommorrow will be 2 weeks so I'll run em till they root or wilt. Gonna be a learning curve there before getting those 95% success rates they claim I think but I'm confident. They all looking good on topside even seems to be new growth. Hopeful.
  • Checked on the Cloneking. The cold snap seems to have set everything back 1 to 2 weeks. Looking like 20/21 viable out 25 taken. Added a very, very light fert mix and 4 drops of bleach to help em along. Maybe 1 or 2 more weeks for them. Gonna grab some rockwool cubes at hydro store this afternoon when I stop by for the 4.20 doings. Do next round old school cause I gotta flip em soon.