New Grower Bombing Run.

Lazy Ass Weed Farmer.
Cultivators Club
Oct 7, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Ok now, Posting this grow journal hoping to get my Cultivators Tag. Did my 1st auto grow end of last year finishing up at the start of this year. Didn't really do a journal just some posts about it , so gonna do it right this time. Won some Bomb Seeds in the Halloween contest so that's what we gonna use along with the last of local hydro shop seeds. Everyone that tried em liked em pretty well
Going with their photo line at 1st cause season is getting ready and the tasters want clones and I want to try a small perpetual with maybe an auto or two thrown in.
Using same setup to start off with, 2 x Mars-Hydro ts600's to start, want to upgrade to 2 x ts1000 with 1 ts 600 in between in the flower tent. Use the other ts600 in closet for mothers and clones.
Cloneking 25 came today, must say it looks pretty nice and hope it lives up to the 95% claims. New lights ordered should be here by the weekend. A pair of inkbird 308's to help keep temps in line, a couple of fan controllers and a new 4 inch for the closet. Gonna be using Fox Farm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest for base medium, ordered a bag of Megacrop and Mykos WP.
Feb 18 dropped
2 beans each of Hash Bomb, Gorilla Bomb, Big Bomb and a 00seeds Blueberry

Think the hash and gorilla are showing me my mothers, not so good with the big bombs or the Blueberry.
For some reason am missing some early pics and am transfering this over from the blog.
A week later things are working out better, Hash and Gorilla doing their thing, the 2 Big Bombs slow but growing and I propped up the Blueberry and shes surviving.
About done with the solo cups. A little bit overwatering, a little nutrient drain. But everything recovering nicely. Did normal water in the solo cups, next day drooping on the big 3. Raised temp a little, pointed fan directly across to aid in evap and transpire rates, waited a day. Next morning a little worse so transplanted to their big pots in afternoon giving the root mass a tiny squeeze to loosen up the soil for better aeration before dropping them in.
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journal catch up
About a week later, getting almost ready for transplanting. Hash suffered abit of lightening as well as the Gorilla. Others doing pretty good. Figured it was time.

Still a little wait on the Big Bombs
ND the other Gorilla hanging on
3rd week or so
Finally decided which Big Bomb to use with a little help from Mossy. Got em all potted up now. Not bad root structure.

And everyone is in their place now.

Kept the other Big Bomb and Gorrilla going in a couple fabric bags I slapped together.
Picked up some drain trays from Ace hardware and everything is coming together.
A little more work last night, about got the closet sorted out, still waiting on exhaust fan.

Gonna need a couple more trays I think.
Girls are looking cheerful.

Hopefully the Megacrop will get here before I need it, if not a little Dr. Earth top dress will carry them through.
officially day 30 or so.
Got other 2 trays in place, waiting on other equipment to get here. Opened tent this morning to find tp at 94, dog pulled fan cord out of socket and I laze in bed for an extra hour, back down under 80 within 5 min.
Hash Bomb greening up nicely after its little yellowing episode. Big Bombs starting to put on some veg. Should be about completely set up next week. Still using only ph 6-7 water.