Dinafem Big Kush Outdoor Guerrilla in the U.K.

Hot sun? In Yorkshire? Fooook awwwf! [emoji23][emoji23]

Just kidding mate, that's a real shitter. Were they in pots by any chance? Ya see it's pretty difficult to under water a plant that's in the ground, they usually find something to drink.
Yes in pots half submerged but I was too knackered to visit but I soon learnt from them mistakes lol
How are things going in the wild mate? We hope all is well :pass:

All the best


Aww I forgot to update this! They're struggling a bit tbh Mark. The rabbits gave them a good trimming first and no it looks like the roots are getting a kicking off something or other.

Hang on, I'll get some pics.


I've broken all their necks cos they were looking like a one stem wonder even though they've been topped.
Those pesky wabbits saying this they look ok mate. The cropping should help those lower stems time to catch up whist strengthening the upper/central cola/stems :thumbsup:

Thanks for the added pictures very much appreciated! Not looking to bad mate :thumbsup:

All the best


Quite a few of the lower stems have been completely eaten now. [emoji51]

.. not to mention the bugs, it's not a great year for growing up there! We've got black fly, some kind of mites and the rabbits are hungrier than ever. Nothing that a few ladybirds and a bag o'foxes won't fix!
Quite a few of the lower stems have been completely eaten now. [emoji51]

.. not to mention the bugs, it's not a great year for growing up there! We've got black fly, some kind of mites and the rabbits are hungrier than ever. Nothing that a few ladybirds and a bag o'foxes won't fix!
The joys of mother nature sometimes I'm glad I can't grow outside its bad enough in the feckin loft [emoji106]

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Quite a few of the lower stems have been completely eaten now. [emoji51]

.. not to mention the bugs, it's not a great year for growing up there! We've got black fly, some kind of mites and the rabbits are hungrier than ever. Nothing that a few ladybirds and a bag o'foxes won't fix!

Just to me and I could be wrong but the leaves look like leaf fly damage or as my dad called them leaf miners? They do make a mess of the leaves and very common here in the UK this is the joy of being an outdoor grower :thumbsup:

Apart from the leaf bug damage things look good mate. Some nice growth and now the nights are getting darker we should see some rapid growth over the next few weeks then pre flower time :bong:

So far so good and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!

Until the next update :bong:

All the best

Just to me and I could be wrong but the leaves look like leaf fly damage or as my dad called them leaf miners? They do make a mess of the leaves and very common here in the UK this is the joy of being an outdoor grower :thumbsup:

Apart from the leaf bug damage things look good mate. Some nice growth and now the nights are getting darker we should see some rapid growth over the next few weeks then pre flower time :bong:

So far so good and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!

Until the next update :bong:

All the best


Gawwd I hope not Mark, that looks like a hideous infestation to get. I'll have a closer look next time I'm up there.

The new growth looks kinda warty tho, you can see it in the texture of the leaves in the photos.

The same thing happened to the odd one out last year, (RQS special Kush [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]) it finished but didn't produce much. At the time I put it down to the seed being really old, it was over 5.. but all the Big Kush have the same symptom this time.

I suppose it's loupe and bug spray on the next visit.. [emoji51]

Cheers bud. [emoji1365]