Indoor Bichon_Buzz's ongoing wardrobe grows


Currently growing in the cab - (From the back):
NL - 75 days. Will be harvesting this at approx 85 days
Critical - 25 days. This was outside from day 6 to day 18. Moved back into the cab as the weather wasn't good and i'd created space by harvesting the pollinated widow.
4 day old Blueberry and AK40Cheese (seed from the cheese pollinated AK47) in the humidity dome. Both took almost 8 days to break the surface and are struggling (as if they have used reserves and are now drawing nutes from the cpl of leaves. I've given them a feed today of .5ml grow and heaven and fingers crossed they pull through.
9 day old blueberry that i re-potted today.
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outside at the moment - both 27 days:
Northern Light on the left has been outside since day 8. Can't quite make out the sex yet but keeping a close eye!
Blueberry on the right was outside from day 8 to 20 and (like the critical in the post above) got moved into the cab for a week because weather wasn't great and I had created space. Sex is showing and I've moved her back outside today.

Side by side clearly shows the difference the last week under lights has made to the blueberry compared to the cool temps and constant cloud that the NL has had to deal with.
View attachment 776197
outside at the moment - both 27 days:
Northern Light on the left has been outside since day 8. Can't quite make out the sex yet but keeping a close eye!
Blueberry on the right was outside from day 8 to 20 and (like the critical in the post above) got moved into the cab for a week because weather wasn't great and I had created space. Sex is showing and I've moved her back outside today.

Side by side clearly shows the difference the last week under lights has made to the blueberry compared to the cool temps and constant cloud that the NL has had to deal with.
The weather has been mental. Looking good fella :cheers:
Other than 4 really good days in the middle, June was a washout. Increasingly seems our decent summer has shifted from July/August of my nipper days to August/Sept!
I've lost half a plant due to mold. Most of us over here have had somesort of issue with the dreaded mold. Yep, the season has shifted slightly
update on where i am currently :)

As of today I've 6 plants (4 in wardrobe and 2 outside) at various stages and 1 brown bagged/drying.
As we are away on vacation end of Sept, everything will be harvested (ready or not) by Sept 10th in order to allow me to dry, jar. I'll give the jars to a mate to burp while we're away. Additionally, the 4 in the wardrobe will be outside be outside from july 22nd to july 31st as we've visitors staying in the spare room (where the wardrobe is). Lots of juggling ahead and while I don't like contaminating the grow area with pots/plants from outside, needs must. Before starting the next grow in October I'll have to clean down the grow space thoroughly.

The RQS NL was harvested day 83/84.

Expecting 40g to 45g from this but know that it could easily have gone another week or 2 at least but I need to get it dried and jarred by next weekend. Buds were really dense and tightly packed although the frosting on the sugar leaves wasn't great so i think the trim will be lowish quality.
Blueberry - 18 day

Showing sex since day 16 and developing nicely.

The next 2 @ 14 days (blueberry and one of my own AK47xCheese seeds) show evidence of how they struggled early. Planted same as the 18 day above but were much slower to pop heads and quickly showed nute deficiency. Recovering ok now and we'll see how the get on :)


37 day old blueberry:

Very happy with how this girl developed - the bushiest of any plant i've grown so far. I fimmed and started training last week and hopeful that she'll continue developing nicely.

2 two I have out doors currently:
37 day old NL (left) and 35 day old critical (right) - both fimmed

Critical had 2 weeks longer under lights than the NL and it shows. Similar to the 37 day blueberry earlier I'm really happy with how bushy this girl is and i started some training on her today.
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A couple of observations and brain farts :)

I've 3 plants at various stages now that i'm really happy with - what have they got in common?
I seem to have finally discovered/stumbled upon the 'sweetspot' distance from the lights during early veg. Stretching has been a regular issue but am hopeful that on of the factors causing this has been resolved.
Re-potting technique has changed. Instead of removing the young plant from the seedling pot and stressing it I'm simply cutting the bottom out and placing this in the larger pot.
Finally I've being using duck commander's feeding schedule along with crushed eggshells for cal and Epson salts for mag.

I am also considering changing from my usual 4 x 11lt to 3 x 22lt pots in the next grow. 66lt medium rather than 44lt is a no brainer?