Indoor Bichon_Buzz's ongoing wardrobe grows

nature throws us a funny one from time to time.leaves sat in soil ?
a full jar is a pretty nice sight.
nice grow.

I do tend to remove dead leaves sat in the soil every watering. If they get wet and start to decompose unwanted guests/pests can decide to setup home.

Delighted with the yield on that one. By eye I was only expecting around 25-30g. It was only when I'd trimmed the branches and started manicuring the buds that I realised it was going to be better than expected.
These two will be re-potted into their new homes today. (11 ltr Bio Bizz all mix pots). Both 14 days. NL on left, Blueberry on right
After re-potting the two yesterday I'd to reconfigure the wardrobe a bit so never got the photos i'd taken uploaded:

14 Days:
Northern Light


So far so good with these - decent root formation, re-potting went well and looking happy :)

18 Days:

The AK will be going outside in about 2 weeks but i'll be working it up (slowly) to the switch to only sunlight from tomorrow. It'll be re-potted when it goes outside. No stretching showing yet, nodes are nice and tight and the burn I saw earlier isn't present on the new growth

White Widow

Widow is also going well, with no stretching. This will be re-potted during this week when I've cleared out the blueberry that is taking a 3rd of my space in the wardrobe!

Cheese View media item 12635
The cheese has gone on an early stretch. Really not happy with it and it's showing signs of heat stress and wilting slight. I've lst'd it slightly get top away from my light as I don't want to lower my shelf yet. Once I have it re-potted i'll decide if further lst or maybe a fim is required.
Last Thursday I called time on the 105 day old Blueberry. If I'd the space I would have loved to let her go another few weeks and develop but her existing was inhibiting me from re-potting Cheese, AK and WW. I had intended to re-pot just the cheese on Tuesday and as I don't water for 2 days before a re-pot I ended up starving it.

As well as space, I wanted to swap out the flowering 250hps to my 250mh grow bulb. The HPS has run for 3 grows (one of which for the entire grow) and will be decommissioned/kept as a spare.


WW, Cheese, AK @ 24days

6 large crushed, dried egg shells. 1st time I've used them so a little trial and error and would have been a great help to myself had I weighed! I can still compare against the younger NL and Blueberry which dont have any added egg shells.
I'm mixing epsom salts at 1/2tsp per ltr with every 2nd feed. Also the 1st time I've used epsoms from the start of a grow so I'm on the learning curve on this also :)

Left to Right (taken yesterday)
Cheese 25 days, Blueberry 21 days, NL 21 Days, White Widow 25 days and finally the 25 day AK in the brown pot (which the widow had been in).

And how they all snuggle in!


I did also get around to starting some canna butter last night using the trim from the last grow. Think I might get some baking done this evening :)
Gonna be sitting (working) in car for an hour so may as well be constructive and get in a long overdue update!

Follow your gut feelings! Seriously!!!

Day after my last post I'd to be away for 3 days. The cheese that I was unhappy with was slow showing its sex and I returned to find the same thing was a male and a few pollen sacks had opened. I should have followed my gut and removed it from the cab til I returned. HUGE lesson!!

Anyways, 3 of the 4 girls have seeds. The Northern Light lady seems ok. She hadn't shown sex at that point and a casual check of her today (at 8 weeks) didn't reveal any seeds.

The ak47 (60 days) got chopped this morning. Reckoning it should yield about 30g dry plus 15 seeds so far and possibly more buried in the drying nugs. Wife has named the seeds ak40cheese lol

On the bright side I won't be buying seeds for some time!
Used to be a cupboard grower myself, in fact my tent ain't really much bigger, your obviously doing well a few harvests under ya belt and nice set up though I don't understand why you transplant from light to allmix, one the lightmix will see you through, and they don't like transplanting so why risk it, I use biobizz but have stopped using the grow and started using the fishmix as grow and if you add a pinch Epsom salts you shouldn't need to worry about the Cal,mag ,just saw you actually do add Epsom,well that's my 2 pence worth think about not transplanting and ride with the lightmix and consider fish mix as an alternative to grow, Happy growing !
Thanks for the tips @hairyman ! Funnily enough the most recent grow I started just over two weeks ago were transplanted into light mix pots last Saturday. I get what you are saying and can't see a point in switching to all mix. It'll be purely light mix going forward.

Interesting idea with the fish mix. I'll definitely give this a go when I've finished my bottle of grow!

Cheers dude!!
And speaking of my most recent..


Blueberry and NL @ 13 days and critical @ 11 days.

I transplanted them early as the weather this week was going to be (And was) superb (by Irish standards)

They will be outside until the 1st week in Aug when they will go into the cabinet for the last 4 weeks or so.