Indoor Bichon_Buzz's ongoing wardrobe grows

Cabinet will be empty and unused for two weeks July/Aug due to visitors and also 2 weeks at end of Sept while we're on vacation. The next grow I start will be at beginning of Oct and I'll probably mix my existing stock of RQS seeds along with some of my new unintentional home made seeds
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Rethinking that last post...

Safe to assume that the seeds my girls are producing are non feminised?

If I plant tomorrow and harvest around day 70 I should be able to dry them and give jars to a friend to burp/cure for the 2 weeks we're away.

Seems a shame not to use the summer to grow so.e of these unintended freebies!
You have a nice little set up that does well for you. You might want to think LEDS for lighting being a tight area that being said you have a good set up with the MH and HPS. Any time you cannot grow weed is a bummer.
Cheers @Fairlynew ! It certainly does the job provides just such a wonderful never ending learning experiece! I would have loved to go LED but the budget just didn't allow it.
If I'm patient and get another year's return from the existing investment, the boss (my wife) might allow me to upgrade :)

Before I start the grow in October I'll be looking at lighting again. Looking at some dual spectrum, they seem to have a big advantage in energy efficiency, and outside of June-Sept I might be able to run a 400w and still keep the temps controllable. Alternatively, and because the space is very narrow, some T5 lights around the sides might also be an option. I'll try weigh the options versus holding off and saving up for an LED setup.

I gotta hat tip again to my mate who basically held my hand through the early days this time last year including telling me (and explaining why) what equipment to buy, etc. I'm trying to get him to grow some autos and join us here - he's a long time photo grower who does a large grow every 2 years or so. I'm thinking doing smaller more regular/perpetual auto grows might be more suited to where he's at now though ;)
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Northern Lights auto - 60 days.

Have high hopes for this girl. She seems to have avoided been pollinated like the others. Am very happy with how she's looking. Previously all my plants at this point would be showing deficiencies with tips of leaves browning. Putting the healthier foliage down to Epsom Salts and egg shells