Grow Mediums BHD 600w HPS, CoCo.

We all do different things to our plants like music ect but i always make sure i touch or shake each plant every day just to let them know im here , lol :peace: oh and breath a lot for c02 suppose it all helps guys
Sup dudes. I did a little watering/pruning to my side girl, and while I was out there I decided to take a pic of the frost queen. She's drinking a little faster lately, or this week anyways. Maybe its the kool bloom making her swell up? I couldn't be for sure, but the picture says it all I believe. She's still putting out tons of white hairs, and in some close ups I don't see to many amber trichs. I feel she may have another 3-4 weeks in her to get that sweet spot I love.

dense as all hell. it looks great :smokebuds:
Whats up dudes? Today is week 10 of flower annnnnnd :drumroll: FLUSH DAY! That's right ameigos, she is to truu's liking and its time to flusher out! Out of nowhere she is making drastic changes on me. Pistils have retracted, lots of cloudy trichs with about 30% amber, shes stopped swelling and drinking less. Shes also starting to get that nice "fruity" look to her, which is what ol truu looks for on his harvesting time.

So the plan is to flush her every day with fresh water. The first 3 days I will be adding clearex and hand watering to really try and get everything flushed nice. The last 2 days I will be using just plain water. And then I will put her in the dark for 3 days. I think this method should work pretty well in bringing those great flavors out in her.

I can't believe its already time, but im super pumped and pleased. I cant wait to smoke this girl! Shes definatly got the most frost I've grown yet.:joint:

Enjoy the pics, I'll keep you dudes posted on how shes doing during the last days of her life.

:slap: that's a beautiful plant man nice job! Love the nice even canopy :D
Thank you Maine man, your words hit me kindly :smokebuds:
Sweet jeebus, I can smell her from here. Shut that door!
Beautiful job Truu.

Sorry, I haven't been interacting much lately. Still working on our remodel. Been having fun pig tailing with Noalox and replacing most everything else with co-alr devices. Wish you were here!
Yes, I put a smoke detector in every room.
Thanks Holden. You are right about the smell, she's very potent and I love the way she smells.

I wish I could help you bro. I know you've been having tons of fun lol.