Grow Mediums Best size Pots For Coco coir?


It's all about the Trichomes
Apr 18, 2018
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Im wondering how small you can go with coco coir in fabric pots and still have great growth and development. I started at 5 gallon and moved down to 3 gallon with no diffrence in growth. But my roots are packed in and coming out all sides and bottom of the pot. Coco coir aint cheap and id like to stretch it out as far as I can so my question is how small is to small. And would 2 gallon pots make that much of a diffrence.
I run 1.7 gal straight coco and do well. My avatar is a HBSS from the last run. 2 gal should do fine. if you use pearlite you'll be watering more often..
I've tried all kinds and so far my best results are 3 gallon smart fabric pots. But I get similar results with 2 gallon air pots as well. And I go 70/30% coco coir to perilite.
I have seen many threads and videos stating that bigger pot = bigger plant. I plan on using 5 gallin rain science bags with a 70/30 coco/perlite mix.
I have seen many threads and videos stating that bigger pot = bigger plant. I plan on using 5 gallin rain science bags with a 70/30 coco/perlite mix.
Some say it does some don't. And the old saying the bigger the root the bigger the fruit is what I used to believe. But after doing some experimenting with smaller pot sizes and diffrent strains my conclusion is root mass is a factor with growing bigger plants but I feel that the health of the root mass is more important. Ive grown big plants from 1.5 gallon air pots and I've had small ones as well. When I use 5 gallons they hold to much moisture and therefore the roots aren't as healthy. 3 gallon fabric pots are just right. But everyone's environments diffrent so it's all based on what the grower is looking for.
I'm gonna run 1gal next run with some smaller strains and see what happens.
From what I can gather this depends entirely on the strain, but someone with more experience can correct me. Some strains, like a lot of the Sweet Seeds stuff, is so fast and the plants flower so quickly and stay so small that 5 gallon pots seem like a waste. You'd have to try a 2 gallon pot to see if the plant has any growing pains. What strain(s) are you running for this experiment? As for coco being expensive, it's reusable if you want to put in a little bit of effort (how much depends on who you ask). I have some from my last grow that I'm going to reuse at some point.
Agreed that strain plays a big role but with growing from seed phenotypes do as well thats why i use 3 gallon. Its a middle ground sort of deal. And As somone who just washed and reused my coco ill never do it again. I rinsed it with RO water till ppm was 8 and repotted it and I had cal mag and ph issues nonstop. Biggest mistake I made this year. I see others reusing it and seem to do just fine but i didnt like it. My roots werent as healthy and plants grew small and flowered early from the stress. I'd reccomend using sensizyme or cannazyme to help. I got like 75 gallons of used coco I'm not gonna use now I'm thinking of mixing it im my outdoor soil grows to hold moisture.