Photoperiod Best Blue Dream breeder?

Jul 17, 2014
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I've pretty much settled on Blue Dream for one of my outdoor strains next summer. There are three breeders and far as I can see; BlimBurn, HSO and BC Bud. I'm leaning toward HSO but I'd like to hear about others' experiences.

Ive never grown out any of those but if I was going to I would go with HSO, those Humboldt genetics appeal to me. I have a blimburn bluedream freebie that I plan to pop acter my current grow. I hear great things about blimburn. Bc is also an og in the genetic game though. I understand your tough dilemma lol. Let us know what you decide to grow.
never grown the photo, blue dream auto/HSO has been a consistent winner in my arctic greenhouse. One of the very few strains that have shown high resistance to BR and PM in my environment
Good to hear that it's rot resistant. Not that it's a guarantee, Frisian Dew is supposed to be very rot resistant but botrytis took half my crop last year. But every little bit helps. It's also nice to know that it's good weed! There are very few bad reviews on it. Gonna go HSO.

I'm reconsidering the thc bomb. I have an auto finishing up and it has little to no smell. Didn't autoflower either so I'm wondering about the consistency of Bomb's breeding. The auto tangie smells fantastic, though it's a tiny plant. Chopping day soon, we'll see how they cure and smoke. Anyway, the search is back on. Critical+ 2.0 from Dinafem's looking interesting. Sugar Black Rose from Delicious is a contender.