New Grower Berry Bomb.... First time Grower... Ever!!

Welcome to AFN man!! Looks like you're jumping right in with both feet, both arms and a full torso to boot!!
For a first run that big bucket and 3 plants like that may be a bit to take on but we'll help all we can.
Never used coco like that, only the hydroton rocks so not sure this will work the same. Take your plugs with the seedling and put in your net pot. Make sure your water level is high enough that when it bubbles up it keeps the bottom of your plug wet. Then you can top water for a while until the roots reach the water. Once they reach the water then you're good.
With coco I'm not sure you can do that - you may just have to top water several times a day until the roots hit the water.
Once they all take off you may be fighting for space and have some root tangling but if you train the plants you should be ok....I hope.
Not trying to scare you but these plants could get big so you may have a good fight on your hands.
Hope this all makes sense. And I'm no expert so don't take my word as gospel. I've done a few DWC grows so I've seen good and bad on my end. The only way to really learn is to try so let's see what happens [emoji106]
Also, you'll notice that you can pretty much get away with murder during veg, but be ready to deal with the late-bloom divas! You can get away with just about 450 ppm, some calmag, Hydroguard (from Botanicare and very much recommended, especially in hot months), and any grow food.

When bloom comes, you want at least 850 ppm, and I use supplements at this point.

Is that Berry Bomb auto or photo? Mine was photo.

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Ok, setup looks great, but be prepared to split the plants into separate containers if they get too big. You see, if a plant starts touching something, it will stop growing in that direction, so you really want to have a "no touching" rule for your plants.

Other than that, I think you're off to a great start! The light is great and very important. Might want to consider getting side lights as well.


Side lights are great because you can just aim them where you want that extra coverage. I usually clear the lower part of the plant and shine a light in through the bottom, you can see them in the picture.

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ok ok i see what your saying... good piece of advice.. thank you i will definitly consider that when placing them in their final home. and as for the side lights.. i was considering installing t5s on the walls but never thought of using the ones that i could aim. would those work better than t5s? also in your opinion, i was thinking of lining the top of the tote with mylar so that light will reflect up through the bottom of plant. in your opinion would that help,not help, or not make a difference?
Also, you'll notice that you can pretty much get away with murder during veg, but be ready to deal with the late-bloom divas! You can get away with just about 450 ppm, some calmag, Hydroguard (from Botanicare and very much recommended, especially in hot months), and any grow food.

When bloom comes, you want at least 850 ppm, and I use supplements at this point.

Is that Berry Bomb auto or photo? Mine was photo.

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ok bare with me here.... the plant is an auto.... i have CaliMagic and big bud but no hydroguard yet... will definitely buys some now so that when comes time to use it i will have it. as for the 450 ppm? is that in regards to CO2?
And, since you seem pretty handy, why not add some spraying to the whole ordeal?

Get a water pump...


Place it inside with some tubing and poke holes in the tubing to make the water spray through them, use a plug to close the other end of the tubing.


You can even use these...


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ok ok i see what your saying... good piece of advice.. thank you i will definitly consider that when placing them in their final home. and as for the side lights.. i was considering installing t5s on the walls but never thought of using the ones that i could aim. would those work better than t5s? also in your opinion, i was thinking of lining the top of the tote with mylar so that light will reflect up through the bottom of plant. in your opinion would that help,not help, or not make a difference?
Actually, I've never used T5 lights, but I love the ones I have. And I posted the wrong one, this is my favorite...


And yes, I'd cover the lid, but not because of reflecting the light. It's because of the lid being a very light color. You don't want any light getting through the lid and into the container. [emoji6]

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