Indoor Belivitez // cob auto grow // mephisto genetics

I just chopped two grape crinkles at day 65 and they where big lanky branch girls no matter how close I kept my hps on them (sativa pheno) my orange crack was a chunky nice indica looking plant .
Thanks again for your help @Waira :bighug:

I will definitely try with DE. I make order, now just to wait week to get this stuff! :) i watered every 3 days and always use half dose of nutrients.... i use Plagrow grow once now i use Plagron flower (half doses every time). I have ph and ec meter but i use only ph meter... h2o+nutrition = 6.6

I will make more photos for sure :cool1:
First two pics are O.C last three are the G.C they reel sure you'll like em
Nice bro! I think OC have more dense buds? Even now in that early stage i see difference :)

@Waira here is some photos for you... any advices? I think that i must to stop with nutrients? Those yellow leaves are not fuctional anymore?




the pics of the fan leaves are showing N defc., some of which is normal at this time, but if they're getting eaten up fast, you can add a little extra grow nutes to hold it back some while buds fatten up, then stop a as she gets close to harvest time,.. Let the fans be until they drop off naturally, so the plant can take the last of resources in them... the tops of the other plant are showing further worsening symptoms of what I think is Zn defc, maybe S defc., but that in-pot pH is key to determine is it's a simple lack-of issue, or an off-pH issue locking it out,...
:drool: OC looks very nice indeed! How's she smell?
+2 days ;)

Orange crack

Absolutely Love Sour Crack genetics :thumbsup: nice, dense buds with sweet smell!!!


Grape Crinkle is frosty lady i really hope that she get something on weight!! Looking not so promising...

Grape Crinkle plants are tall.... they are almost 1x bigger than Orange Crack :toke:


I also replaced fan in one of my light... i bought arctic f8 silent! This fan is amazing silent and efficient

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the pics of the fan leaves are showing N defc., some of which is normal at this time, but if they're getting eaten up fast, you can add a little extra grow nutes to hold it back some while buds fatten up, then stop a as she gets close to harvest time,.. Let the fans be until they drop off naturally, so the plant can take the last of resources in them... the tops of the other plant are showing further worsening symptoms of what I think is Zn defc, maybe S defc., but that in-pot pH is key to determine is it's a simple lack-of issue, or an off-pH issue locking it out,...
:drool: OC looks very nice indeed! How's she smell?

Thanks again @Waira !! I have little problem... how to test soil about PH value? Today i add some hesi tnt, which have Zn and S in... OC smell like some sweets and i love that smell!!! :)
+2 days.... lot of yellow leaves (and i add some extra N)... @Waira i have my water at 6.5 and my run of is 7.3?! :doh: should I go lower with my water?

:toke: Hi Bel',... uuughh, this is getting pretty bad my friend,.. usually straight run-off is not an accurate reflection of the actual in-pot pH, but it can at least offer a general idea about if it's overly acidic or basic; in your case, it's clearly too basic in there causing the lock-out of Fe/Zn at least,... (S locks out under acidic conditions)... these are immobile nutrient within the plant, meaning they can't remove them from established tissues and send them to new growth, so any such deficiencies will always show at the tops,... Bel', do you have water info for me? I need a pH, and if possible, a EC or TDS reading; we need to see if your water is very hard (CaCO3 rich),...something is driving the pH up, even with acidic nutes going in, and hard water can over time cause this from mineral build up,... Also, the soil, is it heavily amended with some sort of lime? .... *(look into getting an Accurate 8 soil pH probe, this is a critical tool for any soil grower; I know at least some EU folks can get on on Amazon or something)*... Damn, this will be a difficult fix Bel',.. getting such high pH soil down will be a challenge at this stage,... using low ppm water will help, getting your nutes down to 6.0, even 5.8 too, but with all the suspected CaCO3 in there, the carbonates will resist strongly any downward pH adjustment,... flushing may be needed, and again, a TDS or EC reading of the run-off can tell us how loaded with ions the soil is,... If only you were in the US mate, I'd have you order Optic Foliars Transport and a micronutrient supplement,.. it would allow a very speedy fix by foliar spraying.... you can still do this, IF you have the right supplement.. you want micronutes, not PK, though a little N won't hurt,.. I don't know what you have, or can get, but it's now a serious situation that if it isn't dealt with, will badly compromise your yields and quality,...
:toke: Hi Bel',... uuughh, this is getting pretty bad my friend,.. usually straight run-off is not an accurate reflection of the actual in-pot pH, but it can at least offer a general idea about if it's overly acidic or basic; in your case, it's clearly too basic in there causing the lock-out of Fe/Zn at least,... (S locks out under acidic conditions)... these are immobile nutrient within the plant, meaning they can't remove them from established tissues and send them to new growth, so any such deficiencies will always show at the tops,... Bel', do you have water info for me? I need a pH, and if possible, a EC or TDS reading; we need to see if your water is very hard (CaCO3 rich),...something is driving the pH up, even with acidic nutes going in, and hard water can over time cause this from mineral build up,... Also, the soil, is it heavily amended with some sort of lime? .... *(look into getting an Accurate 8 soil pH probe, this is a critical tool for any soil grower; I know at least some EU folks can get on on Amazon or something)*... Damn, this will be a difficult fix Bel',.. getting such high pH soil down will be a challenge at this stage,... using low ppm water will help, getting your nutes down to 6.0, even 5.8 too, but with all the suspected CaCO3 in there, the carbonates will resist strongly any downward pH adjustment,... flushing may be needed, and again, a TDS or EC reading of the run-off can tell us how loaded with ions the soil is,... If only you were in the US mate, I'd have you order Optic Foliars Transport and a micronutrient supplement,.. it would allow a very speedy fix by foliar spraying.... you can still do this, IF you have the right supplement.. you want micronutes, not PK, though a little N won't hurt,.. I don't know what you have, or can get, but it's now a serious situation that if it isn't dealt with, will badly compromise your yields and quality,...

Yes i see this is not good.... i make a photo of my ph and ec in water :smoking: and measurements don't look promising...



When i bought soil for this grow i look for low fertilised without any additives... so i think here is none lime or in small traces.

So your suggestion is to make big flush with my water? 20l of water to 11l soil.

I know foliar optic will be perfect for my situation but i dont have any buddy in US... :shrug: