Indoor Belivitez // cob auto grow // mephisto genetics

What's distance from COB to plant? I see you don't use optics.
I will say arround 20-30cm from top of plants. No i dont use any optics, couse i think this is not needed :shrug:
Today i watered my plants and i decided to put out one Orange Crack and one Grape Crinkle from box and put them under sun in my glasshouse. Plants in box will get more space for new branches.... :smoking: i hope that i dont make too stupid move here.... plants now get arround 10:30h sun light in glasshouse, in box they get 20h light...

any thoughts here ladies and gentleman???? :bump:
What organic soil recipe you use? They look very healthy!



@thetreeman i use seedling soil, littlebit vermiculite, coco fiber, vermicompost, fish meal, blood meal and hemp flour :toke:
+3 days

Orange crack getting on weight :woohoo1: they are really healthy plants! Much faster than Grape Crinkle, also they have much more odors...


Grape Crinkle are big plants! But some yellow leaves and some dry spots on (relative big spots)... maybe @Waira ?




:smoking:Hey Bel', sorry for missing that post about the DE,... it's a messy task to to use it, but I find if I use a wire strainer and apply to the soil surface like it was powdered sugar on a pastry, getting it 3-4mm deep, it's not too bad,.. do NOT breath it! It's made of the fossilized remains of the "shells" marine algae build around their bodies, made basically of glass,.. DE works as a dessicant and a physically damaging substance because at the micro-level, it's like glass shards piercing and slicing the at their tender spots! It'll get knocked around when you water and start to settle into the soil some,.. you can reapply a few days or so later, but don't let it get too thick on top, or it'll start to form a clay-like layer and mess with water absorption some,...
:headbang: these girls are really getting their booties shakin' for you brudda- :d5: ... GC's put on some nice stretch, and all have bushed up nicely too,...
lower yellow leaves are N defc, some of which is normal as you know, but too much too soon means they need a little extra N,... the dilemma is you have some tip burn, indicating a bit of nute burn, maybe more from the P-K side of the fert's,... that bottom pic of the really yellow one might have more than this going on though,... small pot, frequent feeding can make for nute salt build-up; do you have a TDS or EC meter? tell me wgat your nutes and feed schedule are,.. might be you need to flush some of them,... get me a close-up of the larger dead patches too,...
Thanks again for your help @Waira :bighug:

I will definitely try with DE. I make order, now just to wait week to get this stuff! :) i watered every 3 days and always use half dose of nutrients.... i use Plagrow grow once now i use Plagron flower (half doses every time). I have ph and ec meter but i use only ph meter... h2o+nutrition = 6.6

I will make more photos for sure :cool1: