unfortunately i cant afford the swich , im limited but do have some choices , but the cost of swiching has me stuck where im at , but trust me id like to tell them to shove it up their ass , and actually have/do , whenever they end a call with me its always "is there a reason your bill got so high and wasnt payed for so long"
but yeah , their issue is id be running though someone elses servers and they cant spy oops i mean protect me
peace :Cool:
Ha ha - I hear ya!
The monthly charges are a bit much - especially if you bundle cable, net and phone with a larger national outfits, like I do.
The writing is on the wall in regards to the cable, though - I think we're not far off from very easy access to completely free HD cable through our bandwidth. To a great extent its all available now (through Netflix, Hula, MacTV, etc) - but for hardcore hockey fans like myself, a cable connection needs to be maintained to watch all 80-odd games my "home" team plays in crystal clear HD - and I accept that as the reality, for the time being.
However - the day when I can unplug my TV from the cable connection completely, isn't far off - and cable providers know that.
I think they (again, the larger national providers) realize that maintaining an internet providing relationship with as many of their customers as possible, will be the best they can hope for down the road - and they seem to be very motivated in keeping that relationship on a stable footing.
I've used this to my advantage - and have worked a number of screaming deals with my provider (and received some free swag) - by calling them and letting them know I'm seriously contemplating switching to the competition. I pay way less for my internet and HD package than I would had I just accepted their offered monthly rate. Way less.
I've found these tips to be of use when "negotiating" with them.
Pay electronically with a "paperless" account - and pay on-time for a few months before calling (this saves them money in monthly mailings - and seems to put you in the "preferred client" category).
Call the national/provincial 1-800 number rather than visiting their local office. I've found the national or provincial office can offer way better deals than the lady at the desk of my local office.
Be over-the-top friendly. Ask how the weather is where they are - the "just two pals talking" approach really does work when dealing with folks that speak with unhappy customers all day, every day!
If you think you can work a better deal than the operator is offering, ask nicely if you can speak with the supervisor - theres one there at all times, and they sometimes have a better deal up their sleeve than the call center operator has the authority to OK.
Anyway - this has turned into a bit of a novel (just back from an 8km dog walk/vape session) - but I hope you can use some of it to negotiate a better deal than you feel you're getting now, Bob - and one that has a little more latitude in their terms of ISP service!
EDIT: I just read your post above again (slow reading comprehension, ATM!) - and see you are concerned with the cost of switching.
If you have access to one of the national providers (Shaw, Rogers, etc) - give them a call and tell them you are thinking of switching to them from your current provider - and what can they offer you.
They will make it very much worth your while (in the short term, especially) to switch to them - free/reduced cost months of service, free stuff etc. When I last switched, they came and ran new and very high quality co-ax cable all through my house, gave me two free PVR's, and three months of 1/3 cost internet service.
Unless there are some extenuating circumstance (and I can't imagine one that would stop them from wanting to add you as a customer) - there won't be any cost to you in making a switch - quite the contrary, you might be very surprised in the savings offered to you.
When the period of reduced billing is finished, pay a couple of months at full price - then give them a call and tell them you are thinking of switching to their competitor - you'll create the perfect storm of reduced billing offers - ha ha - or at least, thats what I've found to be the case!
Great luck to you,Bob!