If you all are that paranoid just run TOR..
ive said this before but APPARENTLY i have to say it AGAIN
my isp will NOT allow me to use TOR
they SHUT ME DOWN and give me a page that says i am only alowed to run their servers
so please members , when you give advice , know what you are talking about
peace :Cool:
Hi Muddy,Spiders and bots are kind of a necessary evil.
However, my ISP would have no problem with me using TOR, and until deadkndys even mentioned it in this post I had no idea it even existed. Remember bro, advice should always be taken with a grain of salt; what works great for someone may not work at all with others (such as in your case.) But don't dog on him for offering advice please :karma Cloud: And to deadkndys, "paranoid" is not really the appropriate word; strike out and replace that with "cautious, safe, having foresight, having a lot to lose, wanting to protect yourself, your family, your investment, your medicine, etc." You're the Captain of your ship, run a tight ship and you'll have smooth sailing. Grow lax with your security, and prepare for mutiny.
As for the Google spiders and whatnot; I actually use Google to search AFN more than I use AFN to search AFN. I personally don't like the search function on the site; unless I'm searching by user name I seldom find what I'm looking for, but if I type AFN + subject topic into google, BAM. Nearly instantly finds what I'm looking for on the site! So there definitely are some advantages of not having everything totally private.
You're always taking a risk when you post about something that may or may not be legal in your area; but common sense and availability of security techniques should be made aware to everyone on here. I've seen so many posts about people saying "watch what you post!" and the next day they're creating threads that pretty much details their daily lives haha!I'm not saying I'm not guilty of it as well; but we just need to remind ourselves "hey, this really is some serious business, and there could be some dire consequences to what I post online." Remember fellas, this is a community. I don't get on AFN every day to stick my nose up in the air and deep breathe the prestige; I do it because I love the site; love most of the members (I would leave some of you on the front steps of an orphanage wink wink,) but there's a deep sense of community and camaraderie here. Let's keep that vibe going!
So! That's all I have to say about that! Good morning to you all, let's all have a great day, remember to mind your P's and Q's, and remember we're supposed to be looking out for each other :karma Cloud: "MW"
if you never even heard of it before then how do you know your isp would allow it ?
and i was looking out for everyone , my isp froze my net on a page telling me id been suspended and to phone their 1-800 # , once talking they informed me if i did it again there would be no reconnection
there for when someone is going to give advice they should know possible consequences , and mention them , then let members deside , not have them go in blind and risk being suspended by their ISP
if this hadnt of been mentioned before i wouldnt be so testy , but it has , this site and many others
it was due to someone saying to get and use tor that i got nailed
peace :Cool:
if you never even heard of it before then how do you know your isp would allow it ?
and i was looking out for everyone , my isp froze my net on a page telling me id been suspended and to phone their 1-800 # , once talking they informed me if i did it again there would be no reconnection
there for when someone is going to give advice they should know possible consequences , and mention them , then let members deside , not have them go in blind and risk being suspended by their ISP
if this hadnt of been mentioned before i wouldnt be so testy , but it has , this site and many others
it was due to someone saying to get and use tor that i got nailed
Because my ISP doesn't block pretty much anything (local ISP, USA.) And I never mentioned anything about my ISP blocking it; that's between you and your ISP, not me/other members and your ISP. ISP terms of service vary GREATLY between country; I feel your situation for sure bro; but telling someone they don't know what they are talking about because you had a bad personal experience doesn't seem very fair, does it?
I just think a more fair assessment would have been to say "hey, I had problems with TOR with my ISP and they threatened to shut me down, so please do your due diligence on using anonymity software or proxies or you might face consequences from your ISP." There are lot of variables we, as members from across the world, don't have any insight into as what happened with your personal experience. I tell people to check out using proxies all the time; I don't think that means I don't know what I'm talking about; it means I want people to research security options they may not know are available to them :stylez rasta smoke:
Anyways; I don't mean for this to be an argument, just wanted to defend my position and conclude that knowledge is power bro, and that we should be sharing these ideas and experiences, not demonizing them! :karma Cloud: