Dude your like the Hemp whisperer!!!! So I've read from page one and I got to say you grow some beautiful flowers bro! Fucking impressive page after page, super informative!!✌️✌️
One question for you what would be the soil to use with the bio starter pack?
I have access to roots and ffof but other than that I'm limited to what's available here where I'm at!
Hey dude,on my phone e trying this so hope it goes through as easily.but the soil I like would be roots original with the plug or tier system of sowing a seed.dr Earth's black bag,I'd stay away from FF soils.roots,Dr Earth and most any decently proprietary made soil like those I mentioned.hope that helps.i would say use the tlosoils.com it help throughout flower if Mammoth P is used some.

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hey it worked LOL I dont use my phone much @Cotton46 so hope that helps. but if you use the tlosoils 2.1 masters mix it'll do better than other soils since it has more flower stuffs. or use a top coating with a gallon of soil and a cup of flower granules blending into the soil then when stretch stops top coat it. then use your mammoth P and in for the win LOL but that will work with all the soils your going to choose like the rots n Dr earth n similar. or for the gusto ,I would use KIS soils and make a 40 gallon mix with two tabs each with Mammoth P. all will work well.
:woohoo1: :baby: ..he's just a bud machine,... and he got jars stacked from ceiling to floor! :cooldance: :hump: .... :crying:

... :pass: what's good my homie! It's looking way too phat in dat house man, you need help smoking all that fine-ass bud- :rofl: .... GSC and Yeti are looking damn nice EoF, I love their builds and perfect nose-cone buds! ...great resins, and outdoor quality looking bud:leaf ratios,... remind me what lights and cycle you use again? Seriously my friend, they look like South exposure deck beauties- :d5:... finishing perfectly too! ....hey how're the AG girls doing? You kicked into 12/12 a few weeks ago? Are they in that top shot on post 151? I'm looking forward to seeing those bud up for you,... :greenthumb:
... ooo, Sour lemon, is that NW's cross? I hear some pheno's are crazy lemon-terp's strong! :drool:..... Nice pucks too, man,.... And the spider is awesome, I love those types!
LOL yeah the Lemons are NW's works.killer. did five of them last time OMG absolute beauties. and hash(freezer hash) was a real winner.like show stopper winner type of thing LOL Thanks for the kind words man. I usually use my COB's on the nicer gals and since these were the only two and the yeti OG being on the runty side still smells amazing though. COB's at 18-6 always. but I did just switch the lights to 12-12 earlier last week,.starting to spin up but its early yet. I do NOT like autos on 12-12 but I really dont have a choice right now. reallyu wanna try these photos indoors. if they dont turn out well ill re do some in another tent. Im upgrading over these next many weeks. OH I pulled my moonstone amnesia 2 Fem from Stone.the two pucks I used of Bio Tabs were still there. I kept it kind of on the dry side with center watering mainly and since it was a deeeep pot,it worked and kept them in tact too. whole bio tabs slightly plump. I 'll re bury them soon when I re plant. will post a pic later or tomorrow LOL pretty neat now I have confirmation that my watering and dry style of feeding them does work some in the deeper pots. KEWL!! no these are the four photo's.got a net too with them/ not a very good net but it'll work for now. @Waira these were taken the day I swapped to 12-12.

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