@Waira here is that Pic of those moonstone amnesia 2 tabs I pulled out of the soil still pretty well in tact. so kinda neat man. Thanks! :)

Well I finally did get my entire seed order from Sensible seeds and The vault.both were outstanding as per usual. I got some Gorilla Tabs ,and the whole kit with some new flash silicum as well as pebbles.to this should be an outstanding grow with a little luck eh?! so ill be doing almost a mix n match grow with Photos as well as Autos.Mephisto testers ,GSC from FB seeds and the rest will be Photos.with the entire line up of Bio Tabs sprays and so forth. well as long as the RH ans temps arent too high when I want to spray but they'll do fine otherwise. Thanks guys! and of course @Biotabs F69 Thank YOU my friend. cant wait to check out THIS gear now :D

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I know this was a while back. That cotton candy from delicious is awesome smoke. Great working weed. I'm jealous you got lemon venom, I've been eyeing that for some time. Hell of a seed order bud.
thanks bro.ittll take sometime to get them all grown.so over this coming year itll work itself out. Im trying in my auto tent atm but I may swap them out and when I get another tent I can have an actual photo 12-12 tent which is what I really need.Thanks again man
well depends whatcha mean..?Kief or in general ? only method I make kief is my trim Bin and I use a Grind House hammer style press.tight machining too.real nice piece.a 5 pound maul and 3 grams of hash and a few smacks and voila LOL but I reduce everclear and cook off the alcohol and make goo too.I make a few types of meds nowadays since Im treating ppl. gonna eventually be getting a small rosin press.lots to do and no enough of me to go around as usual LOL

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Amazon product

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ok,well dug out 3 tabs and re mixing some unused soil mostly KIS then some plain sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] mix and coco coir. 2 tabs will most likely be used and these are the beans going down for the dirt nap before long.got some new shoes too LOL

ok,well dug out 3 tabs and re mixing some unused soil mostly KIS then some plain sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] mix and coco coir. 2 tabs will most likely be used and these are the beans going down for the dirt nap before long.got some new shoes too LOL

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Nice sneakers maannn!

Loving the thread too brother, great presentation and top tunes..oh forgot to mention the :growing::drool: