New Grower Bandit's Cheesy Grow.....

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I have watered a total of five times since sprouting. I have been waiting until the soil starts cracking away from the sides of the container before watering. The soil is moist but not wet. My house is heated by a wood burning stove and two kerosine heaters so it is very dry. The "crust" of the soil dries out very quickly. I think at first I was over watering, but now I am pretty sure I have figured out how quickly they are drying out...

Thanks Muddy.

Even when the top dries out and the soil contracts there can still be a lot of moisture lower in the pot. They like to dry out almost completely between waterings. Learn to judge when to water by the weight of the pots. Get a feel for them when they are dry and only water then. Small plants in big pots aren't going to use water vary fast. They just don't have a big enough root system yet. I would also suggest mixing up the top layer of soil and turning that algae under.
Well here they are this evening!

Purple Cheese

Little Cheese:

How's your pH? You Little Cheese is looking a bit rough. What and how much have you been feeding it?
I have not fed anything. All conditions are the same for both plants, I am stumped.

As for the pH, I have not checked this yet.

Having used a mix of FFOF and FFLW (between 40/60 and 50/50), when should I start adding nutes?

Thanks for any help!

your first plant looks as healthy as an ox to quote the film waterboy, but the other picture seems to look like the retarded guy from goonies. its quite curious cuz they are under the same conditions.. but with response to your question when should you switch to hps, i read somewhere on this forum that after theyve shown sex, and the vertical growth has stopped and shes entering into the flowering or budding stage is when you should switch to hps, but im not entirely sure, cuz ive been planning on growing with led not hps. also whats your relative humidity in your grow room? itd be pretty F-ing sick if you could devise a way to get the co2 from your wood stove to your grow room with out all the soot and black smoke.
You'll need to check your pH before you do anything. If it's off it could be stopping the plant from taking up the nutrients properly.
Thanks for all the advice everyone!

Muddy- I think I will be able to pickup a pH meter today.

As for the plants, the purple cheese is the winner for horizontal growth, but the little cheese has it in the vertical growth category. It has put on at least 3cm in the last 24hrs.

Good that you're getting a meter. I suspect you'll find the pH of that one is off.