Outdoor Bal's superauto guerrilla

Dec 21, 2012
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Hello happy people of AFN!:pass:

Today I recieved the original superauto seeds by Stitch, ordered a pack and expected a free seed, but got two extra packs instead"Bailers Booya"

This year's menu will be kind of restricted, last year Bal's kindergarten had two semesters, the normal and the super autos planted at different times to experiment a bit with auto strains in my climate. It turned out the superautos showed far superior adaptation to my site and growing style, so this year is only for superautos(kind of"Stirring", there's also another thing going on, but let's leave it out of the equation for now).

So, the strains I'll be growing are the MuayThai and the Copacabana, the new varieties in the superauto line by Stitch.
I guess I'll have to ask Stitch what kind of soil mix this plants prefer, so Stitch, if you read this please respond me in private or by mail.

During the winter I was reading a lot about sativas and found out that tropical varieties usually don't like much N in their feed or soil and tend to stretch a lot, prolong flowering with revegging bud clusters and so on...however, it's not a general rule in the sativa world, there are some which like more N. I think my last year's mix might have too much N, so I'll probably put a bit less of the N-rich soil in the mix and add some guano.

A question for my fellas: how many plants would you plant on my last year's site(link in my signature). It was 4+1 last year(+6 autos), I'm thinking like only 2 or maybe 3 plants with more space for branching. Please let me know your thoughts.

Enough for now, don't want to spoil it all in the first post:)

Yea man 2014 has kicked off !
Go for 4 ! 2 of each and train them out left right up down?
Good luck Bal hope its a sunny season this year.
Hey Bal,

Hopefully you can get some growing goin'

Hope tosee these get big.


First report:

Due to some electricity problems I had anticipated, my growbox will be operational next week, so I decided to delay the sprouting and put them into soak this weekend.
There are also lots of parties around these days, so I'm focusing on them a bit:)

Soak date will be today or tomorrow, I will keep it all scheduled, no worries.

Maffro, I was thinking the same thing about training, but that would require more presence on the spot, so I'll very likely go for max 2 Copacabanas and one MuaiThai and keep them all natural shaped. Have to save some space for a late "photo session", putting some exotic stuff in the ground too:)

Thanx Eekman, I really hope for some big colas:)

Cheers guys
1x Copacabana
1X MuaiThai

paper towels, water, sealed bag and around 21°C.
I think they will come out in two days.

Fingers crossed"Bailers Booya"
Muai Thai sprouted a nice fat tail while the Copacabana is still waking up, no cracking or tail visible.
I put them in a light soil/hummus mix to start the roots properly in the ground. Hopefully they will show the first leaves in some days.

Meanwhile I sprouted some bagseed for some experimental urban spots:)


The MuayThai is showing germ leaves, still tiny but looking healthy. Copacabana sprouted, I first thought the seed was still sleeping and tried to dig for it. I found it where I put it but it had a strong root and just starting to grow upwards. So far so good - germ rate 100% with all the superautos:)

The bagseed is looking fine, first set of small leaves are out, they were put to soak two days before the supers. I'm still figuring where to put them, much light pollution in the city so I fear they will never start flowering. Maybe the woods will do better for them.

Weather is shitty april style, storms for two weeks now, can't even go out for a hike to find a last minute spot for my bagseed. Some of those came from an AutoMazar(DP) I think.
No photos for now, not much to see.

I'll count this as day 1 for the MuayThai and tomorrow will be the day(guess so) for Copacabana as she woke up a bit later. She is like me, likes to sleep:D
Sad news - the Copacabana died, it was probably some bacteria in the soil, the root rotted in the middle, that's why she was looking like sleeping:/
Today I'm poutting another one between wet towels.


Sorry to hear.. best of luck :)

MuayThai 10 days old and Copacabana at day 1:


Home made light soil mix, 2l pots
75W 6500K CFLs now, gradually increasing to 125W in a week
Photoperiod 16/8
First feed for MT with vitamin/aminoacids mix in couple of days
