Outdoor Bal's superauto guerrilla

Thanx Fairlynew, good to hear your plants are doing well. What strains are you running?

My MT had just a bit of bugs when I checked her two weeks ago, but it was nothing to worry, just some small black ones on a new forming branch. I decided to leave them, because I think the thai has good pest resistence, it came out just great. Some leaves are partially eaten, but that's normal for outdoors. I really hope the superautos stay safe from caterpillars later in the summer, had an infestation two years ago.

A friend just told me about his trouble with thrips, they ate almost the whole plant I helped him with. Yet is still not the end, it has a month to recover and put out some blooms(photoperiod plant).
So in the end he might get a couple of ounces.
I am growing TD Magnum and sweet seeds speed and jack 47 and a couple of other sweet seeds autos but cannot remember there names I have to go check the bags they are growing in lol. I also have some photos going GH kalishnakova and one sweet seed photo phisodelicia i think that is how . I also have a strain that I am not sure 100% if it is auto but it is going into flower they are called Taxada timewarp x Northern lights 43 in total. I find keeping a peice of tarp underneath the plant keeps pests at bay i also lay a thick line of slug and snail bait around the bag on the tarp out of 43 plants I have one that shows signs of leaves being eaten as soon as the the thick line is hit by hard rain a few times i replace the bait so far really good. You can check out my grow in outdoors section under north eastern ontario grow. PEACE and good luck.
Copacabana was knocked down by a storm(she was not tied well) and started growing horizontally, but I put her back in position and strenghtened the rope.
I think this showed the potential for lst, seemed to like it a lot:)

MuayThai is now around 180cm, preflowers everywhere and very nice branching. "Very nice" is not the right expression to describe my happiness with her! A relaxed exhale does it better;)

MT 27jun.jpg

The couple
BR MT 27jun.jpg

Copacabana reminds me of this:grin:
owl lol.jpg

Soil is very wet but soft and airy at the same time, I dug up three more holes to put in some goodies and the structure surprised me, it looked perfect.
More to come in a few weeks, july will be super busy.

"AFN smoke out"
Thanks for sharing them pis Bal,

Good news that the soil is still well, and July will be HOT as well as busy

Good Karma's sent

Great Job,

Thanks Eekman:)

So far the weather is surprisingly generous with water, I didn't even have to assemble the irrigation system this season. Maybe there will be no need for that, mycos and zeolite are doing their thing perfectly.

Gosh, I forgot to mention - there's a surprise!
I put 2 Ace Malawis and one AngolaThai plants near the superautos, only sativas this year. My only concern is the soil, maybe too rich for Ace gear.

Cheers Eek!
Short update:

Both plants are doing great, nice branching, healthy, with no bugs. Also both are now in early flowering, white hairs popping everywhere, just at the right time:)

Muay Thai

Copacabana(a bit twisted) and Muay Thai

It's gonna be an interesting summer"Bailers Booya"



  • MT7jul.jpg
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:slap:They are looking FANTASTIC brother they are going to produce heavy amounts of nice outdoor bud. Keep up the great work.
:slap:They are looking FANTASTIC brother they are going to produce heavy amounts of nice outdoor bud. Keep up the great work.
Cheers Fairlynew,
thanx for the slap, I think there will be many buds this year:)
I was just going thru last year's pictures of my grow and I see this year plants(especially MT) are better developed, more branchy and have a potential to yield more than last year.
I'm thinking solid 200-300g for MT and around 150-200g for the Copacabana, but that's only rough estimation and dreamy hopes. Have no idea on bud structure, so it may be less(or more) than that.
To be honest I really don't worry about yield, with 300g I'm done for the year, having different tastes and effects is only a bonus.

Wanted to grow a Thai plant since I first thought about growing mj, so this one is a dream coming true.
Got many more dreams to realize:peace:

The girls are growing like crazy, MuayThai is a 2.4m monster full of small flowers:)
Copacabana is still behind, not so bushy but I noticed some fine resin production on flowers and leaf stems(petioles). Mt produces less resin so far, but still a nice amount.
Strangely the smell is almost non existent, maybe because of a week of showers and general bad weather. But the weather helped with extra stretch...

MuayThai with her brasilian cousin Copacabana

CC MT 17jul.jpg

I love these girls:grin:


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