Outdoor Bal's superauto guerrilla


Nice overcast day with some surprise light showers is perfect for transplanting, the MuayThai is in the ground while the Copacabana is in her 11th day of photosynthesis and looking just like the MT in the above picture.
MuayThai was put in home made soil mix:

Potting soil 35l, 4-5-9
bat guano 250g, 5-18-3
home made wood ash

Hole size is estimated to around 50l, mixed with a bit of local soil, which looks very good.

The Copacabana will follow sometime next week, I hope to find the MT still there and thriving:)
If the mix is not too hot, I suspect the plants will do better than last year, much more space for branches and a bigger hole is recipe for monsters.

Got some pics, but no cable for connection. Tomorrow is another day.

Cheers :peace:
Awesome! Best of luck bro I can't wait to see these monsters blow up, so it was about day 20 for the MT at transplant, she must be well established and ready to rock outdoors. Looking forward to this buddy

Thank you Gilly,
yes the MT was at her full third week(21 days) at transplant, but grew a bit taller than last year's SCH, which had similar leaves. Probably strain related.
Also last year the first soil(in pots, not ground) was richer with N, the plants were almost blue:) I think I found the sweet spot with N for early stage soil, the roots were stronger and thicker in comparison to 2013.

I'm glad it worked out so far, put her out two weeks sooner than last year and hoping for an end august/first half of sept harvest. Also hoping for no rain in september:)

Just found the cable, I'll be back in some minutes:grin:
Here's the MuayThai lady:

In the box, 21 days of 16/8
MT day21 in.jpg

First contact with the sun
MT day 21 out.jpg

And now sitting comfortably in her place
MT day 21 tr.jpg

Just thinking of her nice smell, mmmmmmmm.....

Cheers :smoke:
Excellent my friend, she looks lovely in her new home!
Update time! *seems the thread was moved to "Outdoor" section :dunno:

The Copacabana got transplanted today at her 22 days of life.
Looks pretty wide leaf for a sativa, also the MT grew some wide ones. Should get thinner with time, last year they did.

MT grew like crazy in this 11 days of variable weather and many showers. So far the grow pattern is very similar to last year plants, very stretchy, long internodes and thick stem. It must be because of environmental adaptation.
The difference I noticed is a bit more proto-branches popping at this stage in growth, which is all good:)

A couple of photos

Copacabana transplanted:

BR day 22 tr out.jpg

MuayThai, 11 days after transplant(it looked just like the plant above)

MT day 32 out 11.jpg

All for now, next update will be in a week or two.

Cheers :peace:

It's been quite a long time since transplant(just over 2 weeks), some rains, storms and 30+ temps, all together did very good to the girls.
They look very healthy and vigorous, I must say I'm surprised to see them having such a good time:)

The MT grew a lot, put up many branches, while the Copacabana is still more culumnar, but has branches just starting to shoot out. I expect her to match the MT's branching, there's still a lot of time for them to grow.

Here are some pictures:

Copacabana - day 38, 16 days out
BR 20jun day 38 out 16.jpg

Muay Thai - day 48/49, 27 days out
MT 20jun day 48 out 27.jpg

And the couple together:
BR and MT 20jun.jpg

The MT is around 1,5m tall and preflowering for more than a week I guess, Copacabana is also shooting preflowers. Which is great, they are some weeks faster than Chaze and SCH last year.
Considering the genetics, I expect the MT to stretch at least until start august, so she will probably outgrow last years monsters and maybe the whole spot.

The smells are nice, too early to say anything specific, but I noticed the MT has mintiness in it(which I love) and the Copacabana is a kind of mellow warm smell, quite relaxing.
I pulled some bottom branches to save the juices for the bigger ones.

Next update coming in a week time, there will be some more surprises;)

They look sweet Bala, interesting they are flowering quicker than last years lot, my photoperiods outdoor are also flowering now more than any other year hhmmmmmmm
Best luck
Something's in the air:)

I have no idea, maybe it's related to photoperiod.
I know this year I shortened it to 15,5 hours indoor(compared to 16,5), to avoid stressing them too much, which I think was the case last year.
The second factor is fresh seeds, this batch is from Stitch directly and they are new strains, so maybe he stabilised them a bit more, which I think was needed.
And also the soil mix is different this year, less N, more P and microelements.

For your situation, I think the weather and loss of sunlight stressed them and put them to flower before summer.
Which is a shame, but you could still put a fresh durban poison outside I think:) I know I would;)
Good luck to you maffro, I'm following your green ops thread with great interest.
Sending some warm sun up there!
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My autos are all in bloom a great year for autos eh. And your are going to grow into perfect specimens they look great no bug issues and reaching for the sun keep up the great work. PEACE