@Duckster my grow pirate friend thanks for stumbling in with one good leg I'll grab you a chair and a rest for ure wooden leg and remember me what's the parrot having sativa or indica you know how my memory is lol
@Duckster my grow pirate friend thanks for stumbling in with one good leg I'll grab you a chair and a rest for ure wooden leg and remember me what's the parrot having sativa or indica you know how my memory is lol
Feeding update
Day 64
Plant M root stim 20ml
Plant M calmag 12ml
GH bloom 12ml
GH ripen 20ml
Ph 6.8
The above was added to 6litre of spring water and each plant got 3litre .
Sorry there's no BDM and Rhino separate pics it's just too much hassle bringing them out at this stage but every other update I'll pull them out individually
@Duckster my grow pirate friend thanks for stumbling in with one good leg I'll grab you a chair and a rest for ure wooden leg and remember me what's the parrot having sativa or indica you know how my memory is lol
No wooden peg leg for me - I got me a "stan smith rocket boot". Very stylish but kind of expensive and ya gotta be careful when stomping yer foot. Naw me parrot was a bit off - He smoked crack. Then all his feathers fell out. Then he pulled a Richard pryor and burst into flames Just as well - the fecker kept crapping all over my back. Looking for a new mate now - perhaps a meerkat or a ferret.
I lost me wooden peg - remember, somebody nicked it and I found it sticking out the arse of some fat boy that spoke like a pirate. He was so attached to it that I didn't have the heart to take it back.
Feeding update
Day 64
Plant M root stim 20ml
Plant M calmag 12ml
GH bloom 12ml
GH ripen 20ml
Ph 6.8
The above was added to 6litre of spring water and each plant got 3litre .
No wooden peg leg for me - I got me a "stan smith rocket boot". Very stylish but kind of expensive and ya gotta be careful when stomping yer foot. Naw me parrot was a bit off - He smoked crack. Then all his feathers fell out. Then he pulled a Richard pryor and burst into flames Just as well - the fecker kept crapping all over my back. Looking for a new mate now - perhaps a meerkat or a ferret.
I lost me wooden peg - remember, somebody nicked it and I found it sticking out the arse of some fat boy that spoke like a pirate. He was so attached to it that I didn't have the heart to take it back.
Lazy fecker Naw I agree they get hard to move once they turn into big bushes and trees.
Wow a Stan Smith rocket boot I gotta get myself one of them to fly about the house .
I remember that fat pirate he sure was attached
Now now meerkat or ferret defo ferret or ud need a whole meerkat family and you couldn't go out with all them and ferrets are cool anyway me and my friends used to hunt rabbit with his ferrets .
Yeah it's a nightmare to bring in and out when at this stage of jungle lol
Day 68
Feeding day
PH 6.4
That's it for a few days has anyone used this pk booster before I also have canna ok 13/14 and buddas tree pk 9/18
So I'm seeing what one I noticed most growth with and stick with it or if a mix of all 3 over different feeds works best
Thanks bro but honestly the pics don't do her justice as there freaking a ton on her I might just beat my record of 244g yeild with an auto .
She does have atleast 3 weeks maybe more as she vegged so long
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