Do u think 3 will be to much for that space.?Well I thought I had subbed in, but I am for sure now. Things are looking nice man. Dude a 3 plant scrog in a 2 square foot area is ballsy! I like it!. I have a 16" tent (40cm²) that I was thinking about doing a scrog in some day. Theres also a 11x13" (28x30ccm) cab that might get scrogged some day. The scrogs I am currently training for are photos, and have been multi topped. They should go in the final container today/tomorrow. If I can get it done this weekend, I'll be sure to do an update, and tag you in it. The gravity feed dripper is still on the table, but I did go to the hydro shop and discuss it with them. If anything it should only cost me like $5-7 per pot. I already have 4, 5 gallon and 1, 35 gallon reservoirs, just need the drip tips, and maybe some fittings.
Yeah I know about the bom rules and it's funny because I swayed on just lst because of this but I have my gal in this month and if this scrog works out for me it'll be my last bom until I upgrade to a bigger tent / house wich makes me sad.Excellent job Bailey
It took me a while to get through the whole thread (post 1 through 381)lol
Thankfully many of the post were only one sentence long, which made it a lot easier to blast through them.
Nice compact tent and your girls are looking nice.
I love me a bit of scrog and remember scrogging my first auto over ten years ago, back then I got so much flack for doing it.
When autos were still new to the growing scene there were many misconceptions about autos.
You wouldn't believe how many people told me you couldn't scrog an auto, I believe I was one of the first to do so & I looked around many forums at the time and didn't find anyone else trying it.
I had a similar set up a 17" x 18" cab with DIY carbon filter and was running CFLs with a 70W HPS for good measure in Biobizz lightmix and Biobizz nutes.
I had a fantastic grow and showed the nay sayers it was possible to scrog autos, after that I started fimming, topping and defoliating auto and sod anyone who said I couldn't.
So I firmly behind your grow set up and know you will love it.
Just keep tucking and go for a level screen, I hate seeing so called scrogs where the plants grow through a screen but the tops are 2' above the screen, to me the is just a grid spaced plant.
Grid spaced plants can let a bit more light in due the better spacing of branches but it's no scrog.
I love coco, it is a fantastic medium to grow in I to like to add perlite @ 20% of the mix.
I'm a massive fan of airy mixes be it soil or coco, it may mean slightly more frequent waterings but the roots love it.
I also like to add 10% Dia-hydro granules, it is made of fresh water Diatome (prehistoric creatures) this is amazing high in silicone which is great for strong leaves and stems.
Dia-hydro can also be used as is, as a hydro medium but I haven't got a round to it yet coz I like coco so much.
Funny thing about this thread, I got to page 17 and I was still only seeing day 5 growthyou certainly have a great bunch of followers who know how chat!!
I'm really liking your set up and I bet it is gonna smell lovely soon, nice and stinky.
Keep those updates coming bro and of course lot of nice pic of your girls.:smoking:
The only down side to scrogging I found, is It doesn't really lend its self to BOM pics as you end up with multiple plants all under on net but hey its the smoke that's the main thing!
I'll be sure to pop in again and check the progress of you ladies.
I'm subbed up to this bro.
All the best and keep up the good work
I think i just got a bad one it was so talk n lanky like 80% male the rest female it was only 18 days old with balks so I chopped it I have seen great ones on here RQS says it's small with low yeild but honestly it is the total oppositeLooking great dude, that net will look great in another few weeks time. I just popped a rqs quick one in coco today- ill keep a close eye on that one incase theyre prone to hermie!
Yeah I use a old two ltr bottle aswell but I'm going to buy a small 2 litre watering can that has a extra long pouring part from the pound shop. It was ure grow and dirty budster who showed me that in a small space the best way to maximize yeild is to scrog it'll be great to compare scrogs with different strains like a comparative thingwhat's up @Bailey I see you got your scrog up that's awesome I hope you have a good experience like I have been having scroging with autos a auto is just about the same as a photo plant in a scrog I just mean that with a scrog you just have to keep training till it stops the stretch in flower and then its all good most of your job is done just water and watch them grow
my plants are about to hit the screen soon so we should both be scroging at the same time have you figured out how you will be watering them from under the screen I just pour my nutes in a bottle small enough to fit under the screen for me that's a old 2 littler soda bottle and I still use it to this day lol
lets do this auto scrog bros unite lmao
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How about a piece of garden hose and saw a funnel to fill in, it may as well be moved into scrogs and in pots ?Yeah I use a old two ltr bottle aswell but I'm going to buy a small 2 litre watering can that has a extra long pouring part from the pound shop. It was ure grow and dirty budster who showed me that in a small space the best way to maximize yeild is to scrog it'll be great to compare scrogs with different strains like a comparative thing