Sweet Seeds Back with a Sweet Nurse CBD and Ice Cool Grow

Well it begins.

I’m starting to see more progression on some of the deficiencies. This is where I get hung up a bit so maybe one of the more experienced guys who use pro-mix and/or Megacrop can lend a hand on reading my plants and what I should do next. I realize it probably doesn’t need something major, It’s the subtle adjustments at this phase I’m struggling with.

Maybe @Mañ'O'Green , @Dabber , @Waira, @Master_gRoshi, @Garage_Grower @Noshit archie gemmill or if any other you guys can lend an opinion.

Quick update on Day 43, each was watered with 2L of water with Sea-k. Total input ppm was 100ppm with the runoff for each between 600-700ppm, so still quite high. You can see from the pic in my last post that the pots are salted up in the outside. Not sure if I should be doing something about it or not.

There’s some differences between how each strain is handling the nutrients and lighting.

The Sweet nurse (left)has been doing better of the two, it seems to be more sensitive to lighting and had more curled up serrations. my light Has been around 28-30” away for a while and they still persist. It’s only 16-20k lux across canopy but I’m hesitant to drop this to increase lighting for flowering because of the curled edges. Should I be ignoring the edges and start dropping light a bit at a time ?

other than that, there is a lightening of the lower leaves and a few minor brown spots on a couple leaves which may be the start of some Cal-deficiencies.
So my plan for this one is to give a small dose of 50ppm or so of CalMag with next nutes, keep MC at 3g/gal, and up my Bud Explosion to 1.5 g/gal. Sound reasonable?

The ice cool is a bit different. No light related issues, the fan leaves are quite flat though a bit droopier. But there is more significant yellowing of the lower leaves, with a papery texture forming. The other thing it has been doing is the newer leaves near bud sites started getting that blue-green colour with purple stems creeping up the veins. Also where some have shown some necrosis recently developing. Here’s some pics


The yellowing doesn’t seem like a Nitrogen issue, and with the top leaf colour with purple veins am I on the right track thinking that this is a Phosphorous deficiency? I’m at 1g/gal BE and was going to go up to 1.5g/gal while keeping MC at 3 like with the Sweet nurse.

Am I misreading my plants and should be taking different actions? Or am I entirely overthinking it?

Thanks all, much appreciated!
Well it begins.

I’m starting to see more progression on some of the deficiencies. This is where I get hung up a bit so maybe one of the more experienced guys who use pro-mix and/or Megacrop can lend a hand on reading my plants and what I should do next. I realize it probably doesn’t need something major, It’s the subtle adjustments at this phase I’m struggling with.

Maybe @Mañ'O'Green , @Dabber , @Waira, @Master_gRoshi, @Garage_Grower @Noshit archie gemmill or if any other you guys can lend an opinion.

Quick update on Day 43, each was watered with 2L of water with Sea-k. Total input ppm was 100ppm with the runoff for each between 600-700ppm, so still quite high. You can see from the pic in my last post that the pots are salted up in the outside. Not sure if I should be doing something about it or not.
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There’s some differences between how each strain is handling the nutrients and lighting.

The Sweet nurse (left)has been doing better of the two, it seems to be more sensitive to lighting and had more curled up serrations. my light Has been around 28-30” away for a while and they still persist. It’s only 16-20k lux across canopy but I’m hesitant to drop this to increase lighting for flowering because of the curled edges. Should I be ignoring the edges and start dropping light a bit at a time ?
View attachment 1186385
other than that, there is a lightening of the lower leaves and a few minor brown spots on a couple leaves which may be the start of some Cal-deficiencies.
So my plan for this one is to give a small dose of 50ppm or so of CalMag with next nutes, keep MC at 3g/gal, and up my Bud Explosion to 1.5 g/gal. Sound reasonable?

The ice cool is a bit different. No light related issues, the fan leaves are quite flat though a bit droopier. But there is more significant yellowing of the lower leaves, with a papery texture forming. The other thing it has been doing is the newer leaves near bud sites started getting that blue-green colour with purple stems creeping up the veins. Also where some have shown some necrosis recently developing. Here’s some pics
View attachment 1186387
View attachment 1186386
The yellowing doesn’t seem like a Nitrogen issue, and with the top leaf colour with purple veins am I on the right track thinking that this is a Phosphorous deficiency? I’m at 1g/gal BE and was going to go up to 1.5g/gal while keeping MC at 3 like with the Sweet nurse.

Am I misreading my plants and should be taking different actions? Or am I entirely overthinking it?

Thanks all, much appreciated!
Are u using calmag?
Are u using calmag?
I have not added extra CalMag in to these two plants yet. So far MC has usually covered it so I figured I’d wait until seeing some signs before adding.
I don't see a big problem in your plants yet. Sea-k is high potassium and you are fertigating it by itself which will magnify the strength. You should always fertigate with all of your nutrients mixed together to present a balanced nutrient profile to the plant every time you fertigate. If you have salts on the outside of the bags then you probably have not been feeding to enough run-off although some salt is unavoidable on fabric pots. The problem diagnosing Potassium deficency is that too much looks just like too little.

I don't see a big problem in your plants yet. Sea-k is high potassium and you are fertigating it by itself which will magnify the strength. You should always fertigate with all of your nutrients mixed together to present a balanced nutrient profile to the plant every time you fertigate. If you have salts on the outside of the bags then you probably have not been feeding to enough run-off although some salt is unavoidable on fabric pots. The problem diagnosing Potassium deficency is that too much looks just like too little.

Hmm, so generally stay the course of maintaining or slightly lowering MC strength And increasing BE, while also moving the Sea-K to the feed day and the off waterings switched to ph’d water only?
Plants look good, IMO I would feed every time you water I never us plain water. I to use kelp solo as a growth booster @ day 43 I would be maxed out @ 4 grams per gallon with the BE @ 1 tsp per 5 gallon. I feed one mix in the am and the other in the pm as I feed twice a day
IMPO So here is a thought since peat is mostly a form of hydroponics. The PPMs of the fertigation exert an osmotic pressure on the roots that requires an internal adjustment to meet that pressure so they can exchange ions. When you water without the PPMs of the nutrients the roots adjust to that pressure using energy. If the PPMs remain constant the plant spends time and energy elsewhere. So it is a better idea to fertigate with every watering just use a lower PPM.
Plants look good, IMO I would feed every time you water I never us plain water. I to use kelp solo as a growth booster @ day 43 I would be maxed out @ 4 grams per gallon with the BE @ 1 tsp per 5 gallon. I feed one mix in the am and the other in the pm as I feed twice a day
Thanks, my plants don’t need nearly that much water. I didn’t think they look too bad, I’m just seeing the starting signs of things and want to know how to steer things back on track before things snowball.
So then if I understand, you feed at that full strength every day along with a Kelp feed on that same day?
maybe I slowed down too soon on the MegaCrop when I should have kept going to 4g/gal

IMPO So here is a thought since peat is mostly a form of hydroponics. The PPMs of the fertigation exert an osmotic pressure on the roots that requires an internal adjustment to meet that pressure so they can exchange ions. When you water without the PPMs of the nutrients the roots adjust to that pressure using energy. If the PPMs remain constant the plant spends time and energy elsewhere. So it is a better idea to fertigate with every watering just use a lower PPM.
Interesting, I’m not knowledgeable enough on plant nutrient uptake so I’ll have to take your word for it. My previous grow I fed weaker but on every watering and still ran into salt build up and deficiencies, so these ones I thought I’d try alternating to reduce that issue. Doesn’t seem to have fixed the issue though.

I checked on them this evening and The brown spotting problem had been spreading a bit on the Sweet Nurse, more concentrated near the tips though. Not out of hand yet luckily

The ice cools yellowing is moving slowly up as well.
Thanks, my plants don’t need nearly that much water. I didn’t think they look too bad, I’m just seeing the starting signs of things and want to know how to steer things back on track before things snowball.
So then if I understand, you feed at that full strength every day along with a Kelp feed on that same day?
maybe I slowed down too soon on the MegaCrop when I should have kept going to 4g/gal
Yes correct, now that starts @ preflower, I use Kelp in veg as foliar feeding and about the 1st 3 or 4 days of preflower its typically then I reach 4 grams per gallon and hold there till last couple weeks then back it all the way down to Sweet Candy only. My plants in 3 gallon @Rain Science bags when flowering drink 4 quarts a day
Yes correct, now that starts @ preflower, I use Kelp in veg as foliar feeding and about the 1st 3 or 4 days of preflower its typically then I reach 4 grams per gallon and hold there till last couple weeks then back it all the way down to Sweet Candy only. My plants in 3 gallon @Rain Science bags when flowering drink 4 quarts a day
Cool thanks. Ya, my 2 gallon bags are at 2L every 2 days. I’m wondering if My watering frequency needs changing a bit. Maybe I’m letting them dry out too much between waterings?

I’m going to give a feed in this evening, added 50ppm of Calmag, 0.4g/gal Kelp, 0.5g/gal Sweet Candy, 3g/gal MegaCrop, 1.5g/gal Bud explosion for a total of 860ppm (base 60ppm) 5.9pH

see how they take to that
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