Humboldt Seed Organization Autotron does HSO UK Cheese - Hydro, COB

I lowered the lights a bit btw, so the top of the panel is a couple inches above the top of the canopy. One thing that I find weird about this plant is how long the stems of the fan leaves are. I'm assuming this is because they're reaching for the light. I'm getting cold feet with this one COB, may bnring out the big guns. We'll see....
@Autotron I'm really beginning to think you got a photoperiod instead of an auto. The only auto trait I've seen in your grow is the hellacious leaf growth during veg into bloom. That kind of shit happens when working with something as small as a seed. Your
seed harvester had an auto bud on the table working on it when
one rolls across the work top; he picks it up but actually that was another seed from another batch you were working with last week....
Or more likely, the balance between ruderalis (keep the LEAST possible DNA for autoflowering) and photoperiod (keep the MOST possible DNA for strength and taste) can tilt more toward one parental than the other. Frankly, I'm surprised this kind of thing doesn't happen more frequently.
Take for example the leafiness I'm experiencing with my Dinafem Blue Cheese - you saw it with your cheese strain, too - that's an all out ruderalis trait, and why some people just call it ditch weed. Not finding fault with anyone, many thanks to our glorious breeders for the fine work they do. It's just the kind of thing you have to accept and file away as Shit Happens.
I second the vote for the Big Guns, think it's time.
@Autotron sent you a PM but got an error. I think it went through anyway, but let me know if you didn't get it so I can resend.
Here's some pics from today. This is her second day under the 400W HPS. I didn't feel confident about the solo COB being enough to finish her up. She's a huge plant, bigger than I thought she'd ever get, and there was no way 55W(150W HPS equivalent, as stated by @BigSm0) was going to be enough to satisfy her. Not a knock on AutoCOB's at all, just a fact of life. The fact that it got her to this size is a testament to her power, as far as I'm concerned. I have the HPS centered right over her at full blast, with the COB focused at an angle towards the upper middle of the plant. My Lux meter is reading 110,000 Lumens at the top and center of the canopy, so she is getting fucking pumped. I have it at the top of the tent and can't get it any higher. It's at about 9 inches from the top of the canopy. I'll be keeping a close eye on her for light burn or stress. I put a binder clip on one of the heat sink fins for the COB, and ran the rachet cable through it and tied it to the crossbar at the top of the tent to get the COB pointed at the most advantageous angle. She's starting to get frosty. May do a bit of LST, per @Olde School Player' s recommendation this weekend if I get the chance. Hoping for some serious quality yields here. I feel like a rich parent trying to throw every newfangled thing at their kid to get them to thrive, :crying: She definitely doesn't want for anything, particularly now that she's got this 400W HPS all to herself.

Some great chatter about LED going on which is very interesting and cool to see :pass:

I must agree that this plant is acting and looking like a photoperiod strains and not autoflowering, could a packing error be the issue, yes, even though we take every precaution this could have happened.

How far into bloom are you now mate? And how many total weeks from germination as this may help determine if this is auto or photo. As a auto will finish much faster around 7 weeks Where As the photoperiod version is going to be 8-9 weeks possibly 10.

Going to be interesting watch this finish and if this is a photo and not auto please accept our apologies for the issue, definitely not intended.

Thanks for the update my friend, I'll drop back in on the next update :bong:

Kind regards

Some great chatter about LED going on which is very interesting and cool to see :pass:

I must agree that this plant is acting and looking like a photoperiod strains and not autoflowering, could a packing error be the issue, yes, even though we take every precaution this could have happened.

How far into bloom are you now mate? And how many total weeks from germination as this may help determine if this is auto or photo. As a auto will finish much faster around 7 weeks Where As the photoperiod version is going to be 8-9 weeks possibly 10.

Going to be interesting watch this finish and if this is a photo and not auto please accept our apologies for the issue, definitely not intended.

Thanks for the update my friend, I'll drop back in on the next update :bong:

Kind regards


Hey Mark, thanks for checking in. She sprouted on June 25th, so it's been 79 days since germination. As far as flowering, it's been 29 days since I noticed the first definite signs of flowering. She seems to be proceeding nicely and if all goes well, I think she'll be the biggest one I've ever grown. I got the seeds from Seedsman btw, just in case you were curious about any potential packing issues in the supply chain.
She's starting to swell up nicely. I think she's still got a ways to go until she's ready though. My guess would be another four to five weeks. She's drinking almost a gallon of water a day. I swapped out her solution for a new stronger one today. When I took her out of the tent, many of the stems bent and swayed under the weight of the colas. She's very stretchy and tall, so the stems are weak and lanky. I used a dozen plant yoyos to fasten her main stems to the top of the tent after I put her back in. She would have been a mess otherwise, all bent over. I'm so glad I bought those things, they really are a cleverly designed product and super handy. I guess I won't be moving her again until harvest time. She looks like a marionette at the moment. I'll get some pics of her up here tomorrow.
I too mess with the yoyo’s but think you would be better off just throwing a net over her. All the branches work together to hold each other up. Most come 4x10 so you could cut it down to 4x4 or 4x5. Don’t need a frame just toss it over and you’ll instantly see how well it works.
Here's some pics of her from today, the yoyos are holding her up nicely. You can see where some of the heavier buds at the top are now tilted at a 90 degree angle. Luckily nothing snapped or got too fucked up. She does look like kind of hokey strung up like that, but whatever. Buds are swelling up. For the last brew, I added 25ml of Bloom to four gallons along with the rest of the usual stuff. I never did get a chance to do the training you recommended @Olde School Player , I was just worried as she was so stretchy and lanky. She seems to be filling out well throughout though in spite of that.

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