AutoSeeds Summer 2023 Grow & Show

Had to deal with a little problem last week and left town in a hurry for a few days. Didn’t feel comfortable asking my dog sitter to water my young seedlings and thought I would be able to get away with leaving them alone for the time I was gone. All my other plants were on automated irrigation but the seedlings still needed to be hand watered and by the time I got home 2 of them were burnt to a crisp. The 3 that I resuscitated back to life look like they will be ok but the drought definitely set them back a bit.

Day 14
Bent the tops over


Day 16

Germinated more Acapulco Gold and Pink Runtz beans from my own Autoseeds.Com stash and got a little carried away. Lol! :rolleyes1: Might end up growing a good amount of these outside.
3 days old except for the Pink Runtz in the back right corner which is 6 days old

Day 18
Acapulco Gold, Pink Runtz, Rainbow Glue

They are mostly showing sex but not there just yet for a Threadmark. I'm feeding them like i would normally feed other plants but these girls seem to be a little slower than what i am used to growing but i know once they start flowering they will explode in growth.

I just dumped in 8 gallons of 650ppm megacrop at 6.0 ph in the kiddie pool, i'm thinking i might of done better with autopots since i am working like crazy i might be a little lazy on feeding times where autopots or even my autovalve would be a great help right now lol it snot to late i suppose, i have a autovalve and spare res i can hook up, i might do that today or tomorrow.

Here is the whole tent, The back 2 pots and the little 3 gallon pot are not autoseed strains so ignore them

Pink Runtz

Acapulco Gold

Rainbow Glue

And Rainbow Glue mutant seems to be doing fairly okay for a seedling with only 1 leaf

Day 16
85% of her time has been outside. (UK weather for me has been steadyish @ 21/22c with decent sunshine). Been fed 1 dose of MegaCrop 1 part 2 days ago and water today, next feed will be MC. Thought I had been putting them under a ts600 of an evening but the extension lead was tripping itself out (I’m a stoner I didn’t realise especially once it gets to 11/12pm loool). Under a SE3000 by the end of the week.

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Update… Pests ate the 1st round of Ag and GSC sprouts…

Round 2 GSC is in the ground and IPM applied. I actually got the Petra out and sprayed the entire front and back yards with CannControl. Scortched earth approach.

AG seed still hasn’t cracked second round…
Day 1
Rainbow Glue and Pink Runtz germinated quickly. Unfortunately no luck with the GG4. I have 1 more GG4 bean that I am soaking. 🤞
Here is the PR

Here is the RG
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