Grow Mediums Auto’s on Auto-Pilot

I will second what Hemi said, I too am jealous. They look like store bought plastic trees. So pretty and perfect. You sure do have a way with the green ladies.

Thanks @Nosias things are growing well this round. So far, no pH issues, no roots blowing out of pots (which by the way, I will never re-use an RCD again. I am convinced that caused my root issues last round) and no serious pest problems. Knock on wood for luck!! Thanks again my sights set on harvest for these auto's and if timed right, I'll pull the two out of the outdoor plot end of July and put two more autpot vegged plants back in to see if they will finish bt end of october (auto's mind you).

I Love growing marijuana!!!
Thanks @Nosias things are growing well this round. So far, no pH issues, no roots blowing out of pots (which by the way, I will never re-use an RCD again. I am convinced that caused my root issues last round) and no serious pest problems. Knock on wood for luck!! Thanks again my sights set on harvest for these auto's and if timed right, I'll pull the two out of the outdoor plot end of July and put two more autpot vegged plants back in to see if they will finish bt end of october (auto's mind you).

I Love growing marijuana!!!
You make it look so easy. I have re-used my RCD three times. I feel you ladies were just so healthy they had to bust out.
You make it look so easy. I have re-used my RCD three times. I feel you ladies were just so healthy they had to bust out.

Now it’s my turn to concur with Nosias. I have reused......., oh wait I don’t even use AP’s RCD. I use weed barrier cloth cut to fit and I reuse them all the time. I have never had the misfortune? of a root breakout, but i haven’t matched your sizes and yields yet either. :bow:
It's been a while so let's do an Update.

Not sure if I mentioned it here yet but started to notice some calcium def. on both autopot plants (BBA and PHA). This despite my mix containing 2.5ml/L calmag. After a bit more study, I concluded that my pH was the culprit causing lockout of calcium (I think). My pH pefect nutes, being designed to swing upward over the week or so, were never quite making it down far enough. A fresh batch of nutes, at 1.5ml/L of base nutrients left me with a ph of 6.0. I had this problem last grow and got into a jam using ph down in my mix.

So I consulted AN support and after a few back and forths, we determned that I should pH down to the 5.7 or lower using their ph down. They said you should never use nitric acid to lower ph in flower, only phosphoric acid (AN Ph Down). Given that my mixture would start out at roughly 6.0 and slowly swing up, my plants were not able to use the calcium in the mix, for the most part. Regardless, things have been growing quite nicely.

I have switched the tent plant (Blueberry Auto) Day 74 from Big Bud to Overdrive at 1ml/L along with the 1.5ml/L base nutes, 2.5ml/L calmag, 1ml/L Bud Candy, and 2ml/gallon hydroguard. I also use Drp Clean but in minuscule amounts. The Purple Haze auto (PHA) outside in the autopot is on full bloom nutes with Big Bud at Day 63.

The rest of my plants are outdoors and the Amnesia Haze auto (AHA) and AK47 Auto are at Day 74 also but they are not getting nutes other than what I put in the soil (bat guano, bone meal, etc) which has turned out to be quite hot as the tips are burnt.












Group Shots of AHA, AK47 and Pineapple Haze Clone



Thanks for stopping in...hope you enjoy the pics!!
One thing that might be interesting for the AP users. My PHA is outside, with res in the garage. We received over 2 inches of rain over three days and I was using a syringe to draw water out of the tray several times a day. Hindsight, I should have put the plant under cover.

After the rains, I pulled the pot out of the tray and wanted it to drain real well to get all of the rain water out of it.
It would not drain. Yes there were drops coming out of it but after several hours it still weighed a ton and was full of water.
I'm using pure coco.
I went drastic and put the entire root mass and air dome in a fresh pot with a fresh RCD. Immediately started draining normally and thoroughly.
Not had this happen but for one reason or another, something was preventing it to fully drain out.
Just FYI.
Yup, had to wonder since she's so used to bottom feeding that maybe the rain (flush) washed all the tiny bits down through the root ball. Odd but we overcome and battle on to get our meds.
It's been a while so let's do an Update.

Not sure if I mentioned it here yet but started to notice some calcium def. on both autopot plants (BBA and PHA). This despite my mix containing 2.5ml/L calmag. After a bit more study, I concluded that my pH was the culprit causing lockout of calcium (I think). My pH pefect nutes, being designed to swing upward over the week or so, were never quite making it down far enough. A fresh batch of nutes, at 1.5ml/L of base nutrients left me with a ph of 6.0. I had this problem last grow and got into a jam using ph down in my mix.

So I consulted AN support and after a few back and forths, we determned that I should pH down to the 5.7 or lower using their ph down. They said you should never use nitric acid to lower ph in flower, only phosphoric acid (AN Ph Down). Given that my mixture would start out at roughly 6.0 and slowly swing up, my plants were not able to use the calcium in the mix, for the most part. Regardless, things have been growing quite nicely.

I have switched the tent plant (Blueberry Auto) Day 74 from Big Bud to Overdrive at 1ml/L along with the 1.5ml/L base nutes, 2.5ml/L calmag, 1ml/L Bud Candy, and 2ml/gallon hydroguard. I also use Drp Clean but in minuscule amounts. The Purple Haze auto (PHA) outside in the autopot is on full bloom nutes with Big Bud at Day 63.

The rest of my plants are outdoors and the Amnesia Haze auto (AHA) and AK47 Auto are at Day 74 also but they are not getting nutes other than what I put in the soil (bat guano, bone meal, etc) which has turned out to be quite hot as the tips are burnt.

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Group Shots of AHA, AK47 and Pineapple Haze Clone
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Thanks for stopping in...hope you enjoy the pics!!
That is an amazing looking outdoor garden. I live way out in the country and could never get away with that. :slap: