Photoperiod Autopots, Biotabs, and Photos oh my!

Here's hoping @neurotree.

Just recently made the decision to move so everything will have a deadline next month to be pulled and dried enough to put in jars. I think they can get 61 days of light before I have to chop em (day before Turkey Day). That also means I'm about to slam the Black Dog clones I have in pots direct into my flowering cabinet starting tomorrow morning. Gotta move the drying harvest outta there to make room. Not the greatest scenario, but them's the breaks.

Moving means I'm gonna be outta the game for a while. Oh well, i'll just rock out until I can't anymore :vibe:!
Last night I took the Black Dog plants off the hangers one by one, trimmed, and jarred it all. I guess that's about 5 days hang drying. Although I had to fight the high humidity the whole way.
BD1 5.jpg
Everything was 7.5 zips going into jars. I doubt I'll make it a couple of weeks of curing without skimming to get another accurate weight.

Gave the green cracks some bubble tea that I started on Monday. Its was some humus, kelp meal, 0-10-0 guano, aloe juice, a little ewc, and mammoth p at the end. Outside of that they're just on RO from the tank. If I haven't said it already I always let the tank drain down the day before I plan on top feeding. The lower nodes seem to be filling in pretty nicely since the strip.

Side shot



So...everything seems to be checking out for now :smoking:.


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Snagged some photos last night before throwing in some 6 x 6" netting. I was leaning in to secure the back corners and was hit with the smell of over ripe melon.

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Oh, I also threw the last BD clones into the box a couple of days ago. Last night they got spread/laid down with some 3.5" netting


I'm pretty sure these will be the last plants I flower in my current location. They're due for some boom boom tonight and a switch to flower really soon.
Looking great, I think you should cruise in before T-day just fine -happy growing!
Thanks for the vote of confidence neuro.

Yesterday my green crack plants got top watered with some tea that was 2L RO, ~2mL orgatrex, bactrex, corn sprout cubes, and .5mL mammoth p. It was bubbled for a day and the mammoth and a little cal-mag added at the end. Each plant was given about 22oz. And here are a few of what they're looking like.
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

Oh, I also watered both Black DOG plants with 1L RO + 1mL orgatrex + scoop of bactrex. I also cleaned up the bottoms a bit. This morning marks their last day on a veg schedule.
Good day folks!

Here are the Black DOG plants this morning, day 2 of Flower.

I'm interested to see how well they'll do since I would have vegged them a bit longer before flipping normally.
Those GC are just crushing it right now, looking so happy!!:baked:

Any chance you drop a full plant shot?
I'll try to snag some broader shots tonight. I need to stop being lazy and replace my tripod :biggrin:.

These GC have impressed me the whole time. I smile every time I see the lowers getting bigger. After trying different levels of defol on my past few grows I've determined i'll be doing full/heavy defoliation from now on.
Hot off the presses

Day 28 F


I just fed these some tea i bubbled with a combo of humus, kelp, ewc, corn sprouts. On top of that I threw in some cal/mag, mammoth p, and a 1/4 tsp bactrex. The Black DOGs were fed 1L RO + 2mL orgatrex + 1/4 tsp bactrex per plant
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:photog:Lookin' great! :slap:

What's the breeder's window for finishing? Looks like they are on track for another 30 or so