Dutch Passion Automazar.700w led topping grow

Derek u never listen as said before i have done this years and grown auto plants untopped.then topped .i do know what i am on about or i would not be sharing this info.i do not chat shit!!! Peace.if in doubt try it urself.but i got 2 beans germed ready and potted for the topped vs untopped. So if u keep watching il prove u wrong again!!! Peace have a great day:)
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Derek u never listen as said before i have done this years and grown plants untopped.then topped .i do know what i am on about or i would not be sharing this info.i do not chat shit!!! Peace.if in doubt try it urself.but i got 2 beans germed ready and potted for the topped vs untopped. So if u keep watching il prove u wrong again!!! Peace have a great day:)

so what if one is a sativa leaning pheno and the other a indica leaning pheno where the mother was the large producer and the male the potency? The indica leaning plant will get the potency trait and the sativa the yield or vice versa, my point is there is NO way to tell what either plant would have done on its own. Also if you notice virtually EVERY time you say it increases yield I am here to say that it is not proven. I do this to let everyone know that that is your OPINION not nearly anywhere close to being fact
You have yet to listen that simply putting one bean next to another will somehow prove anything, that is such a flawed test. So the results are goin to be just that very very flawed.
So you can keep sayin it as long and as many times as you would like, it will not make it true or proven and it will not prevent me from sayin it is pure speculation at this point, granted your GUESS is better than most but still just that a guess. Again in no way am I bashing on your growing style, you grow GREAT plants my friend there is just this one tiny little thing. So keep at it my dude, but just know I am here always watching to make sure the best information goes out to any new folks
Forget the ifs and buts!!! i trust dutch passion genetics to give me 2 strong auto plants.so il try the test if get totally diffrent pheno then fair point il start over and keep trying till i see 2 of the same plant.the seeds i have chosen are auto brooklyn sunrise;) have a good day;)
So you can keep sayin it as long and as many times as you would like, it will not make it true or proven and it will not prevent me from sayin it is pure speculation at this point, granted your GUESS is better than most but still just that a guess. Again in no way am I bashing on your growing style, you grow GREAT plants my friend there is just this one tiny little thing. So keep at it my dude, but just know I am here always watching to make sure the best information goes out to any new folks
D, with all do respect, I think you are out of line. If beast says it increases yields, it does, for him. You are being passive aggressive with your condescending comments on his thread.
Everyone will have their own opinions on what to do, and what not to do. Does that mean there should be a disclaimer for every opinion, stating it's merely an opinion? I don't think so.
Again, I respect you as a grower and more so as a person but, cmon man. Let beast do his thing.
All good points but that argument goes both ways theres no way to prove not topping increases yeild lol I think its great that people are going against popular methods and pushing the envelope of techniques and if it works great if I try it and hate it then u just lst.but because of people showing it can be done will allow growers with tight spaces and tight budgets that would never risk the experiment on there own to try different strains now that they see it can work,without killing the plant. Great job keep pushing and challenging conventional wisdom.