Mephisto Genetics AutoGrowZs MEPHISTO Attack

We have flowers [HASHTAG]#deeznugs[/HASHTAG]
@KREATURE always been a natural lster lol im armed with soft ties and allsorts haha but always a great way of leaf tucking to expose bud sites the fans wraped will push the lower sites the right way and I use a bio silicon which helps a lot with the strength of the plant....
@lunarman they have passed my stress test if you can call it that really strong stems and nute uptake the next round I do with the rest of the seeds will be fed on full strength nutrients and tied down over topping... seems any ovd3 hit orange diesel crosses are doing really well.... it says @mephisto s shot at strawberry diesel so could be some interesting smoking
All the lady's seem happy... deez nugs are growing and smelling very pleasant