Lighting AutoFrisian Dew 100% Organic Experiment Using MS006

Great growing man, true organics too!
I will be grabbing a seat here for the rest of the purpleing if you don't mind.
Ok guys day 44
So some things are happening right now I'm moving house and I have a viewing on Tuesday and Friday luckily my mum is going to be looking after this girl from tomorrow for the rest of the grow as I'm sure you can see she is all purple loving that for sure she is really starting to swell up now signs of her starting to ripen I think it will be a full 70 day run I hope she enjoys her new home she will only be out of the tent for about 1hr max so should be fine
i don't think i've mentioned that i run my tent in negative pressure so i have no intake fan i figure the air is being expelled from the tent only fresh air from around the tent can go in i also find this helps me with smells lingering into the house in my experience
so my lady has moved to her new home with no problems she will finish at my mums will get pictures tomorrow
Alright guys I've been real busy at work this week hence not being on here as much
Ok right then update day 49
So she has survived the move I'm super gutted this has happened as in her new room there's almost no chance of getting temps above 20c and humidity it at 50% dangerous I know but right now I can do nothing apart from hope the weather gets better and it just seems to be getting colder right now
She is starting to finish now some fan leaves starting to look like autumn leaves
I am just running plain ph'ed water with a little sugar for the boost will stop sugar day 55 and flush her out for the remaining days