Lighting AutoFrisian Dew 100% Organic Experiment Using MS006

might try sugar this time and molasses for my next grow and see what works best for me its about feeding the biology they need carbohydrates to survive so sugar and molasses is a great way to boost the activity later on for flowering AN carbload Canna Boost Etc Etc
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Small update day 12 she is growing really well and I'm happy with what's going on I did switch one of the panels off as I saw some leafs starting to curl I guess it was too intense for the size
Also thought I would show you my compost tea it has a wonderful fresh outdoorsy smelly
Here we go update day 15 as you can see she is still growing strong and fast really happy with the results
I think the boogie brew is working great and will use just this for the veg part of the grow
Quick update day 17 just sitting back and chilling just making sure my temps and humidity are right fed ph'ed plain water for the past 2 days going to hit with a boogie tea again today I think my soil must be alive it's feels like she is exploding new growth everywhere
Ok guys update day 19 she has thrown pistols now and I'm sure she is starting her stretch yesterday I did some lst get some more light to the bud sites before the stretch she is growing strong no sign of any problems easiest grow I've done to date