Wow I've read a lot material and searched but for some reason now I get it
Hey mate I have some info that I put together for myself when I was learning how to LST. Hope it helps you. Basically in a nut shell, I bend the girls over slowly @ 90 degree angle when they are roughly 14 days old. DO NOT bend them @ 90 degrees in one day but do it gradually over a period of 2 -3 days, depending on how elastic the main stem is. I do this by attaching one end of a soft wire to the bottom of the main stem and the other end of the wire to the pot.
This is VERY IMPORTANT because it provides stability to the plant and prevents the roots from being pulled out of the soil when you start to bend your lady over. When bending your girl over you have to be carefull and do it slowly, depending how stiff or elastic the main stem is. When bending the girls over, you have to attach one end of the soft wire(by making a hook) to the top of your plant and the other end of the wire to the side of the that your girl will stay in that bent over position. Don't make the hook too tight around the stem because this will cut off the circulation as the stem becomes thicker. Now that the top of your main stem is bent over, the side stems will shoot up and try to be come the main stem. Your job is to tie those side branches down and ensure that all of the branches are on the same level/hight.
It is really fun because as you tie several branches down, the other branches shoot up to become the main branch and your job is again to tie them down and keep them all on the same level.
It is actually an Art and can become addictive when you chase the perfect canopy. EMJOY!!!