Dinafem AUTODINAFEM Dinamed CBD Auto

At first I was gonna order autoseeds then I kept seeing these tiny plants so I opted to wait. Dinafem and DP both should have a decent sized plant. I can’t waste 50 days on 10 grams when I can do another 20 and get 60+.

I was going to try theirs as well but after 3 days of their website being down I moved on.

I am interested in natural size on this one... I am not going to manipulate it for yield as I want to see what it does on its own...

I normally try to get 4 zips at least on small plants... 8 - 10 zips on medium size...

I couldn't imagine intentionally growing a plant that yielded 10g. And I couldn't imagine anyone bringing something that tiny to market....

Those are usually due to growers errors me thinks
I think so as well but I haven’t seen one over 30 grams yet if that. But more grows r showing up. The karmatonic-Z is z6 x Harle-tsu taken to f3. And I believe it does well indoors which the z6 didn’t why he crossed with harle-tsu

I will have to go drop him a note...

Thanks Again ! :pass: