New Grower AutoBeast Guided Grow - FastBuds Northern Lights & ChemDawg Autos

It's my first grow. What will I yield average per plant...?

  • 1

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • 2

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • 4

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • 6+

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
right now i'd be happy in any field, i'd go dance with sheep to repetitive bird song
You mean you're not already doing this as a healthy replacement? I mean sure don't be a sheep but dancing among them during the circus is right up my street!..... Kidnap however....Not so much but I dig your style reckon the training wire could come in handy too.... OK maybe it is up my street but shhhh.
You mean you're not already doing this as a healthy replacement? I mean sure don't be a sheep but dancing among them during the circus is right up my street!..... Kidnap however....Not so much but I dig your style reckon the training wire could come in handy too.... OK maybe it is up my street but shhhh.
btw- didn't take you up on posting a photo of mine- i like that this thread is gonna be an amazing resource so rather not put random photos of not your grow on it. i have a diary in the mephisto thread and posted a pic there this week of the 4 of them lst'ed. Search for hubbabubbabear if you want to see them.

Here's what happens when you're too heavy handed with your leaf tucking prior to LST.

A lesson that hurts and cuts like a knife it's thrown my whole mood off today but a lesson well learned even though I can't pinpoint when it's happened there's no other logical explanation so I'm taking accountability instead of trying to blame my fans

She's had her LST today anyway but sadly I've had to leave these two Nodes well alone aside from trying to tie them together tightly at their base cringing each time I pulled away to see her gape open just a tiny bit. She's my baby she can't have a gaping hole in her skull I don't like it.

I know she will heal up and it's just a bump in the road but it hurts in the same way smashing your phone screen does and now its resulted in not being able to maximise the enormous LST potential this bushy babe had.

Never the less onward we go with @autobeast at the helm to breathe new life into my wounded lady its time to LST


For the next 5-10 minutes I stepped back and watched as string after string was seamlessly anchored to the pot using another anchor string around the rim which just makes the people who drill holes in their pots feel like masochists and also makes me glad I never indulged in a mini hand drill as there really is no need and have infinite flexibility using this method too so before you go and order a drill get some parcel string or something similar and anchor your Nodes without restriction to predrilled holes.

So now all but the top Nodes branches are tied down to the edge of the pot. This will encourage the smaller less dominant parts of the plant to stand a better chance at competing for the light and so maintaining an even canopy from here on out can be as high or low maintenance as you want it to be but it always helps to know your Ladies genetics and likely characteristics of her natural growing style to be able to counter it with LST measures to optimise every part of your plant.... Is what I've learned so far... Oh and be gentle with them while they're young.

I'll post an updated image of all 3 Ladies at lights out tonight.

Happy Growing Everyone send your Mary Jane love to my Northern Lights this Valentines and prey she fights off looking like a gaping axe wound of a Playboy Bunny

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Here's what happens when you're too heavy handed with your leaf tucking prior to LST.

A lesson that hurts and cuts like a knife it's thrown my whole mood off today but a lesson well learned even though I can't pinpoint when it's happened there's no other logical explanation so I'm taking accountability instead of trying to blame my fans

She's had her LST today anyway but sadly I've had to leave these two Nodes well alone aside from trying to tie them together tightly at their base cringing each time I pulled away to see her gape open just a tiny bit. She's my baby she can't have a gaping hole in her skull I don't like it.

I know she will heal up and it's just a bump in the road but it hurts in the same way smashing your phone screen does and now its resulted in not being able to maximise the enormous LST potential this bushy babe had.

Never the less onward we go with @autobeast at the helm to breathe new life into my wounded lady its time to LST

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For the next 5-10 minutes I stepped back and watched as string after string was seamlessly anchored to the pot using another anchor string around the rim which just makes the people who drill holes in their pots feel like masochists and also makes me glad I never indulged in a mini hand drill as there really is no need and have infinite flexibility using this method too so before you go and order a drill get some parcel string or something similar and anchor your Nodes without restriction to predrilled holes.

So now all but the top Nodes branches are tied down to the edge of the pot. This will encourage the smaller less dominant parts of the plant to stand a better chance at competing for the light and so maintaining an even canopy from here on out can be as high or low maintenance as you want it to be but it always helps to know your Ladies genetics and likely characteristics of her natural growing style to be able to counter it with LST measures to optimise every part of your plant.... Is what I've learned so far... Oh and be gentle with them while they're young.

I'll post an updated image of all 3 Ladies at lights out tonight.

Happy Growing Everyone send your Mary Jane love to my Northern Lights this Valentines and prey she fights off looking like a gaping axe wound of a Playboy Bunny

Really great update grobro.dont u worry.she is gna make an amazing plant.happy growing every1;)

So here we are with the latest update from the 2 x ChemDawg and 1 x Northern Lights from Fast Buds.

Plant 1 - Northern Lights Day 28
As mentioned in the previous post this girl was well and truly ready for Topping. So with @autobeast at the helm off we go and as you can see she's got a nice amount of growth on every node making fastening it down to the edge of the pot with little to no stress on the branches themselves.
With the split at the top of the top 2 Nodes we decided to wait a few days before trying with those last 2 branches so wishing her a speedy recovery.
Next time you see her she will look a completely different girl.

Plant 2 - Day 21 Chemdawg
This girl is BUSHY. She's ready for her first dose of nutrients but decided to wait an extra day to keep her in the same feeding schedule as her older cousin. The Node spacing on this stocky little lady is intense and with all the branches approaching the edge of the pot she's gonna be ready for her LST by the weekend only this time we won't be getting rough with her leaf tucking as there's nowhere to tuck anything because they're all so close together.

Plant 3 - Day 15 - Chemdawg
This little lady is fast becoming my favourite of the 3 (Slightly biased because this lady is the one I'm being let loose with to try my own AutoDevil methods so I'm quietly making her feel more special so she steps up and delivers.
In contrast to her sister on Day 21 she's shooting up nicely with some good even node spacing similar to that of the Northern Lights.
As its day 1 of week 3 I'm going to be trying the only change in nutrients I'll be making to @autobeast Advanced Nutrients range and trying BioBizz Fish Mix which he has recommended as being a possible replacement for the Sensi Grow and Bloom so I'm happy to use my test tube baby as the prototype for seeing if the BioBizz can deliver the same results as the Sensi Grow Range.
I think I'll be Topping her at some point this week as her 4th Node is well on her way to once that 5th drops it'll be snip snip.

I'll update in the next couple of days after the day 28 and 21 have had their next batch of Sensi Grow Parts A and B and Molasses and once I've topped my precious little baby.

Be a grower and a shower
It's feed day for the Girls who all seem to be following different aging patterns so I'll be naming them by Week and Day from here on out for clarity.

Week 5 Day 1 for the Northern Lights.
Biweekly Monday and Thursday feed schedule on her 2nd week LST yesterday now waiting for her to heal to finish her top branches but others are already creeping round toward the light so tomorrow should be interesting.


She's still in full Veg mode still not showing she's a girl but....

Week 4 Day 1 Chemdawg
This girl has already been kind enough to help teach me IRL how to tell when your lady is actually a lady and that's the tiny white hair that creeps out from off branches and closest to the main stem.

Here's a closeup.


The two white hairs between the node are this delightful little specimens confirmation she is in fact female. Though this does me she's likely to flower quicker than the Northern Lights leaving less of a window for LST and possibly a shorter lifespan before Harvest too. I'm enjoying having 2 strains but 3 Girls each one is different but the characteristics of the 2 Chemdawg are there to see for the trained eye. Looking forward to this week ahead with her LST due toward the weekend.


This picture was taken 2 Hours after Lights out (30 seconds ago as my original picture had my finger over half of it trying to hold the ND filter over my Lens.

Chemdawg AutoDevil - Week 3 Day 1
Just a very happy lady. Wider node spacing than her sister but much wider and more pleasing on the eye node spacing. I am being left to my own devices on this one and with 3 Nodes well and truly on point the 4th well underway it's going to be Topping week for this little greenheart. I am going to try and wait until a fan leaf touches the edge of the pot as a tester method for rule of thumb for the future as both the other 2 girls were very close to this point when I topped them. The older girl was overlapping and she's bushed out the Chemdawg wasn't as close and she's stayed much stockier.


In the words of Stevie Wonder "Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful!"

Will update again 48 hours after the Advanced Nutrients SENSI grow Parts A and B and molasses have had time to sink in again 5ml of each and a Tablespoon or 2 of Molasses.

This will be my best and most educational week of growing so far.... I'll say this every time now Law of Attraction manifestation catchphrase vibes style

Happy Growing All
Just a quick update today.

Week 5 Day 2 - Northern Lights
I'm delighted to say the oldest girl Fast Buds Northern Lights top branch has healed enough so she is now tied down recreating the even canopy and with a bit of leaf tucking to allow the others to play catch up I think this is gonna be a well organised monster of couch lock chaos


It's also worth noting that since the LST took place I'm finding her to be much much thirstier easily doubling her daily intake of water between feeds so keep picking your pots up when you can in first two weeks of feed they're thirrrrsty

Week 4 Day 2 - Chemdawg Auto
Fully establishing herself as a girl even before her LST so the window is closing on getting her tied down. Next couple of days she will be getting the BDSM treatment.


Week 3 Day 3 - Chemdawg Auto
This girl is loving life. Topping this week but a change of plan to her feeding schedule. The kind lads over at Monkey Nutrients have sorted me out with a full feeding range in exchange for some product photography so I will be using their range along with the BioBizz FishMix 2ml per 1L. Amounts of monkey Nutes and details I'll put up once I've got the photography side of things done but I'm excited to see how she gets on with them compared to her sister on the Advanced Nutrients Range.


Every Growing Day Is A Learning Day.
Just a quick update today.

Week 5 Day 2 - Northern Lights
I'm delighted to say the oldest girl Fast Buds Northern Lights top branch has healed enough so she is now tied down recreating the even canopy and with a bit of leaf tucking to allow the others to play catch up I think this is gonna be a well organised monster of couch lock chaos

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It's also worth noting that since the LST took place I'm finding her to be much much thirstier easily doubling her daily intake of water between feeds so keep picking your pots up when you can in first two weeks of feed they're thirrrrsty

Week 4 Day 2 - Chemdawg Auto
Fully establishing herself as a girl even before her LST so the window is closing on getting her tied down. Next couple of days she will be getting the BDSM treatment.

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Week 3 Day 3 - Chemdawg Auto
This girl is loving life. Topping this week but a change of plan to her feeding schedule. The kind lads over at Monkey Nutrients have sorted me out with a full feeding range in exchange for some product photography so I will be using their range along with the BioBizz FishMix 2ml per 1L. Amounts of monkey Nutes and details I'll put up once I've got the photography side of things done but I'm excited to see how she gets on with them compared to her sister on the Advanced Nutrients Range.

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Every Growing Day Is A Learning Day.
Looking good bro,
You are absolutely right about being more thirtsty, I nearly lost one of my LST girls,
Doing great and soil was ok, did some LST and the next day she was badly dried out, big fan leaves withered away and she didn't look good,
I exposed the soil and she dried up I think she drank more as the soil got really warm
My stoner theory is the leaves store goodness for the plant so after Defoliation the energy they had stored is no longer there to help with the workload so she has to work harder to get what she needs from the soil and that guzzlers her dry.

Every day growing is a day learning for sure.
Strap yourselves in this is gonna be quite the revelation update.

Day 33 - Northern Lights
This girl is fast becoming the pride and joy of the tent showing no signs of flowering yet still well and truly in Veg mode without the female indicators about to end week 5 so she will be getting another round of LST this weekend to maximise freeing up access to light for the parts that otherwise without a Defol wouldn't get chance to blossom.

She wants the full tent to herself at this point and the next update is going to help her with that.


I mean just look at her. She's a monster!

Now onto some slightly less satisfying news and an admission of another noob fail.

Day 28 - Chemdawg #1

This girl is abnormal. She has already made it perfectly clear she's not far off going into flower so whilst I did tie this girl down for some LST upon inspection from @autobeast he recommended we leave this stocky girl to try and get a bit of height without LST.
Now for the admission....
When this girl was topped I cleaned out the top 2 Colas in the process so the top node was literally just two big fuck off Fan Leaves sucking all the good stuff away from the rest so off they came last night leaving this girl with only 6 branches to grow from instead of what should have been 8 had I topped her properly. In a way I'm glad this has happened and I spotted it myself and managed to understand why she wasn't flourishing as much as her cousin. Granted they are different Genetics but you only need to look at the next girls update to see that something just doesn't seem right with this one.

Here's what she could've won but instead we are going to be leaving her to her own devices. I am a little gutted about this as I've only been able to observe the Defol and training on one plant before I'm let loose with my own little lady that you're about to see next. Here's how Chemdawg #1 is looking today.


Don't get me wrong she is very healthy and happy and already kicking out that dank stardawg aroma and she may surprise with some fat nugs but I expect her to be having a shorter life span than the Northern Lights and with this in mind I'm going to apply that insight to the 3rd girl.

Day 19 - Chemdawg #2

With the mistake in mind from the previous Topping I double checked with AutoBeast on where to top this and I'm kinda happy that he just stayed silent and said top it where you want its your baby. So being careful not to cut the top cola off too I chopped her head off and cheered her up with 1L of Water with 2ml BioBizz Fish. I've also been adding a foliar spray to her of the biobizz FishMix.
Once the leaves reach the edge of the pot I'll be starting with 4ml of Parts A and B of Monkey Nutrients Grow Feed and 1 tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses every 3 days.
This is my favourite 6 days of growth I've witnessed so far as the plant tries to decipher which of its Colas is dominant.



Don't top your main cola off when you realise what you've done it'll hurt like hell.

Approaching 2nd week of feed keep a closer eye on the water levels in your plant they get thirsty sometimes but other days not so much so there is no one size fits all in those weeks 4-5 in my experience so far in Organic.

Not all plants have the same life span so if growing a variety in one place understand that they will all veg and flower at different ages so while it's nice to have rules of thumb ie no earlier than x to top or no later than day x to start feed there will always be flex between days and that applies even to the same genetics although perhaps not so prominently variant.

Every day growing is a day learning.