Dutch Passion Autobeast grows dutchpassion auto whitewidow

Sanguine thanks alot pal.il defo be grabbing some of that top info;) good job.so been vwry busy at work been unable to update.but will.sort that out now.so.here are the pics of @FastBuds blackberry auto harvest.pulled down at day 63 of life;) smells amazing.great colours nice and frosty;) a joy to grow this plant;)
rest of garden update to come shortly .happy growing every1;)
So the rest of the garden.here are the 3 bear sisters. 63 days old today ,still budding strong .the buds on the bigger sister are gna be huge come harvest and so tight and dense.a joy to see and watch grow;)
and here is hubbabubbasmelloscope 58 days old today.buds all over this plant and very tight and dense so gna be good to see how she finishes up;) reps @mephisto some awsome gentics;)
and group shots;)
i have germed and will be potting mephisto genetics northern cheese haze auto today.will be potted into a 3 gal smart pot of biobizz lightmix.to fill up the gap in the tent. Happy growing every1;)
Good day growers;)So 4 days later.had a look on 3bears info and they will be harvested in 10 days from today at day 75 of life. There 67 days old today and still budding strong.amazing girls make me very happy.some big fat solid dense smelly buds a joy for any grower;)
then we have hubbabubbasmelloscope 62 days old today.this plant is a beast and getting a lean on as her buds get heavier.smells of bubblegum so some tasty smoke to come;)
and day 2 for mephisto genetics northern chesse haze;)
and family shots;)
thats all for now.happy growing every1;)
Aspirin thanks alot pal and welcome.i would also class the bears as perfect.such a joy to grow.my light does incredible things for me and my plants.its my sponsored light ,blackdiamond perfectsun goliath 1000 ,it kicks ass and grows awsome plants.so im very lucky to have it in my tent;) happy growing