Auto Warriors Do...arty zan. Joints supplied by archie gemil and Dabs with derek..

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k now we here with Bud Warriors are all about bringing fresh new opportunities and thoughts..
with that being said arty has spent the past 10 year perfecting this blue brint for a one time viewing pleasure to the participants of this Q&A.
1080 too!!

damnit @stepside you taped over artys life work?? matlock?? wtf its static brahhh, u had a co-axil plugged in when it was HDMI
Ello Arty. Are cxb 3070 and vero 29s out dated ? what is the lowest one can drive these? i know commonly 1400ma are used but if the price was right ? Do you try to stay with pasive heatsinks? what is the real ideal watt/ sq foot 30/40/50? are lenses really necessary in a small space?

And where is the absolute best diy link for a passive 3590 build?

Regards from Canada
Yeah, what Habitual asked...(I have no idea what I've just 2nded, but I wanna know too!).:muahaha:...:pass:
@mohawk warrior is this the right one?

well it is now.. I told you last night when arty dropped that off it was important...:face:
there was some tesla type lighting blueprint on there....
look at how happy he is.. lmao that crazy matlock
greetings from the greenhouse
P1030048 (1).JPG
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