Auto Warriors Do...arty zan. Joints supplied by archie gemil and Dabs with derek..

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@arty zan My question is ..I see Hps like sportsbikes as is 500's fair 600's Vgood 750's fair 1000's Vgood due to there displacement weight etc
..Which is a lot like HPS in a way power to Luman output and so forth so my question is i believe 600hps is the best at Luman vs power draw what would the next best size up be Or does it end at the 600's?? TY Arty

Unless there have been advances in HPS that I am aware of 600W Hps still remains the most efficient bulb!
peeps :pass:
i had a dream about leds once.fred or ken dyson the vacumn cleaner guy had invented a new led.the cooling method was a tiny enclosed copper cylinder with one droplet of water ontop of each led.
but that was just a dream
anyways there has been huge advances in leds over past 10 years,but but but none of them last any longer.they still have a lifespan of 50,000 hours.but most wont see 3 years.
not sure if there is a question here or if its just a stonned ramble
hahaha how am I suppose... jesus!!!
(dyson guy voice) Gemmill lighting by dyson
we got boss moss in the smoke house!!
welcome to the arty-view...
@Mossy do you remember your first encounter with the arty kind

@krug !!!! heheheeh see I'm getting to him... shoot some questions at arty (get him asking then he wont be so spooked when the flip comes)*cough**cough**

Ello Arty. Are cxb 3070 and vero 29s out dated ? what is the lowest one can drive these? i know commonly 1400ma are used but if the price was right ? Do you try to stay with pasive heatsinks? what is the real ideal watt/ sq foot 30/40/50? are lenses really necessary in a small space?

And where is the absolute best diy link for a passive 3590 build?

Regards from Canada
@arty zan

1. Boxers or briefs?
2. Sativa or Indica (or hybrid?)
3. And last, what would you like to see become an industry standard for LED in terms of promoted specifications in the next 5 to 10 years? There's so much fluff and advertising jargon for consumers to wade through, is there anything you'd like to see become an accepted standard that LED companies start putting in their specifications (I'll even give you an example, like true watts instead of advertising inflated watts, etc.) It seems like some companies have their own way of explaining the measurements or leave certain things out that may be crucial information, what are your thoughts on that?
Hi SoH :)

  1. Boxer style brief, Calvin Klien sorta things.
  2. I love a good old heavy hitting Indica that's my preference but a nice Sativa is better in the day or when socializing.
  3. I like to know what I'm getting, true watts always!! it is a must I don;t want to know how many oranges you can fit in a box, I want to know how many oranges are actually in a box, if you get my meaning. I like to know the brand of diodes ie bridgelux, epistar, cree etc and the the nm (nanometers) and how many bands are being used. Your right there is too much flim flam in some descriptions of lights. This was especially true of the Chinese market some years ago with the many different UFO lights that were for sale.A lot of LED companies now include these details, if they don't stay well clear and go for a reputable light which does.Often not so reputable companies will include fancy picture of the par spectrum which has nothing to do with the output of their light completely point les and is only there as a bamboozle to the uninitated!. I recently came across a LED light company which uses COBs but there was no mention of the brand or the efficiency or the mA drive,the company is reputable but doen't want to give away the specs due to someone thinking, I'll just go and make one.When we get the new revamped LED section up and running there will be a jargon busting thread as well as help for anyone who is finding it hard to understand the jaron, so don't worry help will be on hand!
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