Auto Warrior Do..Tina from MarsHydro Live Interview.

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Sorry, tried to quote you there but somehow lost that bit. Hmmm. Still finding my way around.
If I join in, I'll get lost in lumens, tj max's, heatsinks and lenses, and I'm still struggling to deal with my hermied blueberry cheese I discovered this morning ... and it's potential consequences.
Another time?

Pollinated Bud UK :(
Seriously Hobbes are you looking over my shoulder lol:rofl: there goes my list of question lmao :pighug::pass::vibe:

I'm outside your window bro

I just received (2) reflector 192's and lemme tell you. My Platinum P450 was $550 and covered 2x4 nicely. Great light, but these to 192's are KICKIN a 4x6 for $600.
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Over 1 million grown!!!

How's that for a new marketing strategy??
I never said you could show some veg lmao

...all of a sudden I have the urge for a cheese burger
Step I was about to rep you but the system tells me I got pass it around first!
That is a funny and cool post!
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